Spanish Court Overturns Madrid Lockdown, Saying it Violates Citizens’ “Fundamental Rights”

On Thursday, a Spanish court overturned the latest government lockdown restrictions placed on the capital, Madrid, and 9 other cities.

Madrid’s highest regional court rejected the measures imposed by the Spanish central government, calling them an “interference by public authorities in citizens’ fundamental rights.” 

Following the judgment, Spanish authorities will not be able to levy fines on people who break the new Wuhan coronavirus restrictions in central Spain, the Spanish newspaper El Pais reported.

“The restrictions limited activities outside of the home to going to work, school or medical emergencies,” Germany’s DW News explained. 

The ruling comes as Spain, Germany, and other European countries report a sharp rise in coronavirus cases. As European governments rush to impose fresh restrictions, fearing the so-called second wave of the Chinese virus, public protests against the lockdown measures are growing louder and bigger. 

French news channel EuroNews reported the Spanish court’s ruling: 

A high court in Madrid on Thursday rejected measures forced on the region by the central government, which included the partial lockdown of the Spanish capital and nine neighbouring municipalities.

The court “rejected the ratification (of the measures), because they harmed the fundamental rights and freedoms” of the 4.5 million inhabitants affected by the partial lockdown, which came into force on Friday evening, the court said in a statement.

As a result of the decision, fines cannot be handed out to citizens who break the rules.

The central government — a coalition of the Socialist Party (PSOE) and Unidas Podemos — has locked horns with the conservative-led Madrid regional government over the measures.(…)

Spain’s national government ordered two weeks of new restrictions that started at 10 pm on Friday despite pushback from regional officials.

The measures prohibited all nonessential trips in and out of Madrid and nine of its suburbs — affecting around 4.8 million people.

London and Berlin have become major centers of anti-lockdown protests. Unlike the recent ‘climate change’ and ‘anti-racism’ protests, which were cheered on by European politicians and mainstream media, authorities are coming down heavily on these anti-establishment protests.

London Police, which famously ‘took the knee‘ during the Black Lives Matter demonstrations earlier this year, clashed with the anti-lockdown protesters last month and arrested several of them. 

“Police have broken up a protest in central London after thousands of people defied their advice and demonstrated against lockdowns, mass vaccinations, mandatory wearing of face masks and other coronavirus restrictions,” the left-wing British newspaper Guardian reported on September 26. London’s Metropolitan Police threatened these demonstrators with “criminal penalties” for violating government orders. 

In August, the Berlin state government banned a large anti-lockdown demonstration. A German court ruled against the ban, allowing close to 40,000 demonstrators to come out against the restrictions.  

The German government has canceled this year’s Munich Oktoberfest and is mulling the cancellation of Rhineland’s upcoming carnival festival. While German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government uses public safety to justify these bans, it has been openly rooting for the Black Lives Matters protests. Chancellor Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, argued that it “it is good if people take to the streets in Germany as well with a clear statement against racism” in line with the protests in the United States. 

In today’s Europe, public health and safety concern is only raised by the government and the media when protesters come out against the establishment. Violent agitators from the far-left groups Antifa and Extinction Rebellion, who support the political class’s agenda, are feted as peaceful demonstrators even when they rampage on streets and clash with ordinary people and police. 

“Berlin police try to shut down protest against coronavirus restrictions” (August 29, 2020)

Tags: Europe, Spain, Wuhan Coronavirus