Researchers at Georgetown Claim Joe Biden’s Free College Plan Will Pay for Itself

Doesn’t it seem coincidental that these researchers are saying this right before the 2020 election?

Campus Reform reports:

Profs claim Joe Biden’s free college plan will pay for itself. Other experts disagree.Researchers from Georgetown University are claiming that Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden’s “free” public college plan would pay for itself within ten years.According to the “Biden Plan for Education beyond High School,” a Biden administration would make public colleges and universities tuition-free for families with incomes below $125,000. As “part of Senator Sanders and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal’s College for All Act of 2017,” this plan “will help roughly 8 out of every 10 families.”According to Forbes senior contributor Rob Berger, the Biden campaign only added Sanders’s policy to the website in March 2020, likely to appeal to the Democratic party’s left-wing after Biden’s victory in the Democratic primaries.Furthermore, before adopting Sanders’ plan, Biden’s website stated that he planned on funding his proposals “by eliminating the stepped-up basis loophole and capping the itemized deductions the wealthiest Americans can take to 28%.” This has also been removed from the website.The Biden campaign’s initial estimate of the plan’s cost — $750 billion — was also removed from the website in March 2020, according to Berger.In September 2020, Professors Anthony Carnevale and Jenna Sablan of Georgetown University announced a report stating that “the total price tag for the Biden plan would reach $683.1 billion” in its first ten years, with a total benefit of $1.2 trillion in the same period. They cite increased earnings among lower and middle-class Americans, which would increase tax revenues.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, College Insurrection, Joe Biden