Prof Complains of Threats After Calling for Death of All Cops and Capitalists

What this person wrote on social media is so over the top that it’s hard to imagine how someone thinks like this.The College Fix reports (emphasis is mine):

Prof calls for all cops to be strangled, complains about doxxing and death threats afterwardA professor who called for every “last cop” to be strangled says he is now dealing with death threats, vandalism and doxxing attempts.Earlier this month, Midwestern State University philosophy professor Nathan Jun wrote on a Facebook thread “I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician.”The comment also included a link to a YouTube video which now appears to have been taken down.According to KFDX/KJTL, the university stands behind Jun’s right to make such statements on his own time: “Occasionally individuals will express opinions that may be offensive and even shocking, but are nonetheless entitled to First Amendment protection. When our faculty members speak or write as citizens within the confines of the law, they are free from institutional censorship or discipline.”Jun praised MSU for backing his free expression rights; however, he is upset at the general reaction to his remarks. Jun blames KFDX for not providing “context” to his original comments which he says “helped gin up the latest in a long line of violent, hysterical attacks against [his] person and property”:

In the past 24 hours alone I have received hundreds of death threats (most of them virulently anti-Semitic in nature) by phone, email, text, and private message and my home has been vandalized for the fifth time since June. The harassment has been so intense that I have been compelled to relocate to a hotel for my own safety. …

Tags: College Insurrection, Social Media