Pomona College Wants Student Organizations to be Able to Remove Leaders for ‘Inappropriate Speech’

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education notes that this conflicts with Pomona’s stated position on free speech.From the FIRE blog:

Pomona College demands student organizations adopt provision allowing leaders’ removal for ‘inappropriate’ speechPomona College promises students free speech. So why is it reserving the right to unilaterally remove the leaders of student organizations for saying things the college doesn’t like?The Claremont Independent, a student newspaper at the Claremont colleges, reports:

This year, Pomona College reaffirmed that to successfully register as a club — required to hold events on campus and access funds if needed — student clubs must allow the college administrators to remove club officers at their discretion. . . .Starting last year, Pomona College started requiring student clubs to update club constitutions “with the new required Article regarding removal of officers/members.” Clubs that fail to do so may lose their abilities to access club funds, reserve spaces, or register events on campus. While clubs that did not include this amendment faced no direct action from the school, Pomona is reaffirming the requirement this year, requiring clubs to copy the amendment verbatim into their constitutions. The amendment allows The Smith Campus Center Assistant Direct, usually a dean, to remove officers at their discretion.

Indeed, in an email, a Pomona administrator directed student organizations to a “step-by-step guide” to creating or revising a student organization constitution, which includes a template for a constitution. The administrator added that organizations should make “sure your constitution is updated to include the articles on Non-discrimination AND the removal of Officers/Removal of Members” provisions and that these articles should be copied “verbatim!”

Tags: California, College Insurrection, Free Speech