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Poll: 51% of Voters Support Barrett’s Confirmation Which is Highest Ever for Trump SCOTUS Nominee

Poll: 51% of Voters Support Barrett’s Confirmation Which is Highest Ever for Trump SCOTUS Nominee

The poll also showed that Democrats (yes DEMOCRATS) and Independents showed more support for Barrett after the hearings.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett made quite an impression on the American voters during her hearings last week despite efforts by the Democrats.

A Morning Consult poll found that 51% of voters support Barret’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.

This is the most support a SCOTUS nominee by President Donald Trump has received from the public.

The poll also showed that Democrats (yes DEMOCRATS) and Independents showed more support for Barrett after the hearings.

Barrett Poll

The numbers are YUGE because the MSM made such a big deal about polls stating that Americans did not want Trump to even nominate someone to SCOTUS. The Democrats whined about it in their speeches during Barrett’s hearing.

Oh well:

There’s been a slight uptick in support for Barrett’s confirmation among GOP voters, but the bulk of the movement was driven by independents, a 44 percent plurality of whom now back her confirmation, and Democrats. The share of Democratic voters who back Barrett’s confirmation (32 percent) is up 5 points from the previous week, and up 18 points from the day Trump nominated her, while the share who say she should be voted down has fallen to 48 percent.

Just over a third of voters (34 percent) said they’d seen, read or heard “a lot” about Barrett’s confirmation hearings, which garnered ample attention from cable news networks and the national press. It’s more than the 27 percent each who said the same of the dueling televised town halls for Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Oct.15, but less than the 38 percent who’d heard a lot about Barrett’s nomination in the days after Sept. 26 or the 58 percent who’d heard a lot about Ginsburg’s death on Sept. 18.

The Senate scheduled Barrett’s confirmation vote for Monday.


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He’s only nominated three. It’s not like there is a big sample to beat out.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | October 21, 2020 at 5:06 pm

I guarantee that poll oversampled democrats at that.

OT: the New York Times is suggesting that the Barretts illegally adopted their children from Haiti.

Make no mistake: Communists really really REALLY wants to outlaw interracial adoption and marriage – or at least stigmatize it as much as possible. They have bet the farm on a race war as the path or absolute power (where they can hold themselves bout as the only hope for a war-torn nation) and interracial relationships threaten to undermine that gambit.

Is this a D+10 sample poll? Other than rabid leftists, who is against her nomination.

I would have thought it be 60-70 %

I was for her confirmation before the hearings started. But I was smitten with her when she held up the blank note pad and smiled. 😉

    tom_swift in reply to MrE. | October 21, 2020 at 6:26 pm

    It would have been far stronger with a deadpan delivery. The smirk looked too much like something a malignant dwarf like Schumer would do.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to tom_swift. | October 21, 2020 at 6:49 pm

      I liked the smirk, she is clearly smart, and she had just weathered a great deal of abuse. She did that without telling idiots that they were stupid SOBs.

“A Morning Consult poll found that 51% of voters support Barret’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.”

Due to the lack of bearded, crossdressing Karens screeching, cutting themselves, throwing bloody tampons, pooping in the hallway, then chaining themselves to the Senate hearing room doors, it has to be more than 51%.

Because science!

So why isn’t she confirmed yet? Are the R’s up to their usual habits and looking for a way to collapse (with proper decorum, of course) in face of the D’s unending BS?

“the MSM made such a big deal about polls stating that Americans did not want Trump to even nominate someone to SCOTUS.”
Well, they lied. Move on.

Barrett is going to be de-facto Chief Justice. Roberts has abrogated his responsibilities as Chief Justice has chosen a path of devoid of judicial scholarship.

With Barrett providing the intellectual foundation of the Court, Roberts can either choose to join her for a 6-3 majority or let shape legal opinion with 5-4 decisions.

The Chief normally gets to assign opinion writing if he is voting with the majority. However with 5 united justices and a weak Chief; Roberts will be effectively bypassed.

I like the Monday confirmation. It’s a birthday present to the hildabeast. LOL.
Happy Birthday beast, I hope your day is totally ruined by the confirmation.