Paris: Jihadi Beheads School Teacher for Showing Class Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoon
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Paris: Jihadi Beheads School Teacher for Showing Class Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoon

Paris: Jihadi Beheads School Teacher for Showing Class Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoon

“The attacker shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as police confronted him.”

A French teacher was beheaded by an Islamist in a Paris suburb on Friday for discussing Muhammad caricatures with his class. The knife-wielding attacker, identified as an 18-year-old immigrant, shouted “Allahu Akbar” at the scene of the gruesome killing, media reports say. The jihadi was shot dead after he charged at the police following the gruesome killing. 

The middle school teacher is said to have shown the caricatures from the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo to his pupils as part of a discussion on free speech. Considering the religious sentiments of his Muslim students, he even urged them to leave the class. This, apparently, did not save his life. 

French media reports identified the attacker as an 18-year-old immigrant from Chechnya, a Muslim-majority region in Russia. “France has offered asylum to many Chechens since the Russian military waged war against Islamist separatists in Chechnya in the 1990s and early 2000s, and there are Chechen communities scattered around France,” the Associated Presse explained. In recent years, several deadly jihad attacks in France have been carried out by migrant men granted asylum by the country.

French news agency AFP reported the horrific killing: 

A French teacher who had recently shown students cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed was beheaded outside his school on Friday, in what President Emmanuel Macron called an “Islamist terrorist attack”.

The assailant, whose identity has not been established, was shot by police as they tried to arrest him and later died of his injuries, police said.

The attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest”) as police confronted him, a cry often heard in jihadist attacks, a police source said.

France has seen a wave of Islamist violence since the 2015 terror attacks on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket in the capital.

French anti-terror prosecutors said they were treating the assault as “a murder linked to a terrorist organisation”.

The attack happened on the outskirts of Paris at around 5:00 pm (1500 GMT) near the middle school where the teacher worked in Conflans Saint-Honorine, a northwestern suburb around 30 kilometres (20 miles) from the city centre.

The killing bore the hallmarks of “an Islamist terrorist attack”, Macron said as he visited the scene. 

Local news reports suggest involvement of an Islamic terrorist group in the beheading. “French anti-terror prosecutors said they were treating the incident as “a murder linked to a terrorist organization” and related to a “criminal association with terrorists,” German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle confirmed. Since Europe opened its borders to migrants in 2015, the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda have claimed responsibility for several Islamic terror attack in Paris and other French cities. 

French President Emmanuel Macron denounced the teacher’s beheading as an Islamist terrorist attack. “One of our compatriots was murdered today because he taught … the freedom of expression, the freedom to believe or not believe,” Macron said during his visit the suburb. “We must stand all together as citizens.” French education minister on Twitter called for “unity and firmness are the only answers to the monstrosity of Islamist terrorism.” 

The attack took place in the backdrop of the Charlie Hebdo trial which began last month. Fourteen suspects have been brought before a Paris court on charges of plotting the January 2015 attacks on the offices of Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket.

Days after opening of the trial, a Pakistani migrant went of a stabbing spree outside the former offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine, seriously injuring two passersby. The jihadi entered France “three years ago while still a minor and had showed no risk of radicalisation,” a French news outlet claimed.  

France opens terror probe after teacher beheaded in Paris suburb’


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Religion of peace, my butt.

“No risk of radicalization “ my butt!

    Well, other than he was a Muslim and apparently believed the crap about the virgins, never realizing that if it were true they were likely 80 year old spinsters.

The French are responsible for letting Muslims in.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | October 17, 2020 at 2:54 pm

Never forget the “other” terrorists in governments.

Joe Biden in his Halloween suit addresses the nation

From what I heard, the Jihadists warned the teacher not to show the cartoon. He said it explicitly: “Quit while you’re a ahead.”

Europe’s Islamization dropped off my news radar since our apocalypse began, but fully assume it’s still moving toward joining the Caliphate

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Skip. | October 17, 2020 at 3:27 pm

    And all that alien import was all planned by the EU governments.

    Good companion piece to this article for food for thought.

    If the first 2 or 3 minutes are too foreign for you then just go in about 3 minutes for a great summary of all we know that true about the Dempanic.



amatuerwrangler | October 17, 2020 at 5:40 pm

Wait! An unarmed man with a knife?? They should have shot him in the leg. With a shotgun through the door. The Frogs have not been paying attention.

Morning Sunshine | October 17, 2020 at 5:48 pm

“France has offered asylum to many Chechens since the Russian military waged war against Islamist separatists in Chechnya in the 1990s and early 2000s”

Maybe there is a reason the Russians were “waging war” with them? Just sayin….

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Morning Sunshine. | October 17, 2020 at 6:24 pm

    I wonder if we can get France to take Obama’s Muslims off our hands?

    We also need to get France’s nukes,cannot have those falling into Muslim hands. If that problem is not fixed,we might have to nuke the nukes.

And just thought I’d bring up Notre Dame. Survived centuries of war and upheaval only to burn down at a time when other churches were being subject to arson by various mostly peaceful arsonists. But no connection to jihad I’m sure.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | October 17, 2020 at 7:01 pm

Pray for the safety of Trump Supporters.

Black Pro Trump Activist Has His Teeth Knocked Out By Antifa In California…

Twitter Refuses To Unlock NY Post Account Unless They Agree To Delete Hunter Biden Story…

Weasel Zippers

What the hell is the matter with the French? When you challenge Islam you need to be prepared to fight and kill Muslims when they start practicing Islam on you. This professor should have been carrying a concealed weapon to defend himself. Same goes for the Charlie Hebo journalists who did the same thing and were slaughtered by Muslims practicing Islam. No firearms to defend themselves from Muslims and 12 were slaughtered like sheep by Muslims practicing Islam. If your going to poke Islam in the eye only an idiot would refuse to defend their lives and that requires firearms.

Gun control only prevents the honest citizens from being able to defend themselves!

    ConradCA in reply to ConradCA. | October 18, 2020 at 1:31 am

    We need to have Trump defend our right to bear arms in his 2nd term. He should bring civil rights lawsuits against the states who refuse to allow citizens to bear arms. This is a violation of civil rights!

We may never know for sure what the attacker’s motive was, but it probably has something to do with Trump’s hesitancy to denounce white supremacy.

the moon god strikes again

showed no risk of radicalisation

I suspect they weren’t honestly looking at the risk.

Muslim cut-throats are marauding through France but YOU are not allowed to have a firearm to protect yourself and family.
NEVER allow that to happen here.