Michigan State University Will No Longer Use the Terms ‘Foreign’ and ‘Alien’
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Michigan State University Will No Longer Use the Terms ‘Foreign’ and ‘Alien’

Michigan State University Will No Longer Use the Terms ‘Foreign’ and ‘Alien’

“to create a more inclusive environment”

Why do so many people on the left seem to believe that they can change reality by banning the use of certain words?

Campus Reform reports:

MSU ‘eliminates’ the terms ‘foreign’ and ‘alien’

Editor’s note: This story first appeared on The Morning Watch. It has been republished with permission.

Michigan State University Provost Teresa Woodruff recently announced the end of using the terms “foreign” and “alien” to create a more inclusive environment.

Addressing the Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU) general assembly on October 22, Woodruff said, “we will eliminate from our collective lexicon the words ‘alien’ and ‘foreign.’ Instead, we’ve adopted non-pejorative terms that describe geography.”

New language regarding international students would be “non-domestic” or “international,” the provost shared.

Continuing, Woodruff said the change will help “create a culture of not us vs. them, but of each other.”

Woodruff shared the change is from the MSU Office of the Provost and came went through the Dean’s Council, and she said the federal government has been notified.

Calling it an “essential step,” ASMSU’s International Students Association representative Nikunj Agarwal said the language change will help in “making us feel really inclusive in the community.”


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | October 28, 2020 at 10:27 am

Then we cannot call them a university. Nor an educational Institution. It’s clear they are a center of satanic ignorance and propaganda spreading!

Who do they think they are – the Biden crime family?

The little reported corruption racket between Joe Biden and Big Academia

By Ray McCoy

With two major universities naming colleges after him staffed by former Obama-Biden administration cronies and receiving generous donations from anonymous foreign sources, Joe Biden’s embrace of Big Academia’s money machine has been shielded by their respectability. This despite neither the Penn Biden Center for the University of Pennsylvania nor the Biden Institute of the University of Delaware providing any evident academic or research function for either of their host universities. While the former vice president is certainly feeling vulnerable due to the attacks on his one surviving son and his inexplicable financial arrangements, it is only one weak point in a long chain of corrupt dealings surrounding him. Remaining largely ignored is the much blander but just as compromising Biden–Big Academia scandal.

This matter is centered on two colleges named after Biden: the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C. and the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware in Newark. The latter unit is also part of the Biden School for Public Policy at U.D. Many politicians found think-tanks or academic units in order to project their influence on political thought after they leave office or die….


Philadelphia Torn Up by ‘Biden-Supporting Radicals’

At last, as John the Lennonist imagined, sang,
The World is beginning to “Live as One”.

It’s an Orwellian tactic. It does have effects…on the next generation. That’s the target with this kind of tactic.

Sigourney Weaver will be devastated. I wonder how they will re-name her films in the Newspeak vocabulary. Undocumented extraterrestrial?

“Why do so many people on the left seem to believe that they can change reality by banning the use of certain words?”

That’s easy…First they “ban” the words they don’t like from their own use, and then the declare those words to be racist, or sexist, or homophobic or whatever.

Since Academia provides the feedstock for business and many other industries, if they can inculcate those values into their students, they get passed on to greater society and, eventually, Viola! using those words gets you “canceled”.

How do you think we’ve gotten where we are? You think it started with the election of Donald Trump? This crap has been going on at least since the ’60’s and they do it because…news flash…IT WORKS.

Stuart Hurlbert | October 28, 2020 at 12:47 pm

Maybe this would be the moment to get rid of the biggest and most widely used “us against them” trope, “people of color” vs “people of pallor?”

Or at least demand more frequent and respectful use of “people of pallor.”

First coming into use in the 1970s, “people of color” was and is an attempt to set all non-white groups in alliance with each other in political and psychological opposition to “whites.” This despite the fact that historically, biologically, culturally, politically, the non-white groups have no more in common with each other than they have each other.

Notwithstanding, “people of color” (and its relatives, “students of color,”d professors of color,” etc.
are now the most widely used “microaggressions” by university administrators and “woke” faculty members and students.

Stuart Hurlbert | October 28, 2020 at 12:55 pm

Correction of penultimate sentence in my first post:

“This despite the fact that historically, biologically, culturally, politically, the non-white groups have no more in common with each other than they have WITH WHITES.”

I’m all right because I’m all pigment challenged just doesn’t have the same ring. 🙁

Rhymin be harder

So the Department of Economics and any International Relations Department cannot talk about Foreign Exchange? I stumbled over the spelling of “foreign” in college, so I for one will be happy that this word is now banned.

But can I still call these people from other countries “furreners”?

“create a culture of not us vs. them, but of each other.”
Which is a near perfect synonym of “‘us’ and ‘them'”. And these f*ing idiots are supposedly teaching our progeny?

What is it Instapundit says?
As taxpayers tire of funding this stuff, we’re told it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to GWB. | October 29, 2020 at 4:38 pm

    Think We the People have lots of wads of “anti-intellectualism” they can all choke on…………