Liberals Already Pushing To Delay Barrett Confirmation Due To Trump Coronavirus Positive Test

MSNBC’S Joe Scarborough said that President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 positive test pushes back Amy Coney Barrett’s hearings two to three weeks.

From Grabien:

SCARBOROUGH: “Also, Mika, we’re talking about the campaign, but also, again, it’s very important for everyone that has been exposed, especially when you’re talking about the Supreme Court nominee, the President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, has she been exposed, has Mitch McConnell been exposed? It sounds like they likely have. And if that’s the case, that’s something that obviously pushes any hearings —”BRZEZINSKI: “Oh my gosh. That’s right.”SCARBOROUGH: ” — back at least two weeks, at least three weeks. The President obviously telling us from the debate stage on Tuesday night he wants to expedite her nomination as quickly as possible because he wants her vote on any challenge that he has to the outcome of election results. Again, with — if you do the contact tracing, it seems that that is unlikely to happen over the next few weeks, at least until everybody is cleared.”

It’s not just Scarborough, you can see the narrative developing overnight.

Tags: Amy Coney Barrett, Joe Scarborough, MSNBC, Trump Appointments, US Supreme Court, Wuhan Coronavirus