Keith Olbermann Wants to Defeat ‘Terrorist Trump,’ Convict and Remove Supporters From Society
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Keith Olbermann Wants to Defeat ‘Terrorist Trump,’ Convict and Remove Supporters From Society

Keith Olbermann Wants to Defeat ‘Terrorist Trump,’ Convict and Remove Supporters From Society

Olbermann said the fight does not end on November 3, but maybe the beginning. No matter who wins they won’t stop trying to destroy the right.

I knew Keith Olbermann wouldn’t last at ESPN. He thrives on bashing non-leftists, especially Donald Trump.

At least Olbermann doesn’t hide how the left truly feels about those who do not think like them.


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Lol, doing a drive-by five hours after this was posted. This guy is such a sniveling little bitch that nobody gives a shit what he thinks. What a pathetic loser.

Keith who?

A has-been who was never as important or influential as he wants to think he was.

That boy needs a restraining order from public appearance and personal rectal device for his private enjoyment.

He wants to “prosecute, convict, and remove” Amy Coney Barrett from society? Really, Keith?

This guy was born too late. He would have been great during the French Revolution.

You can divide the people of the world into two camps: Those who have been in a fight with someone who intends to hurt them, and everyone else – including Keith and all the other internet/cable tough guys out there. Punch them in the nose and they will go back where they belong: Mom’s basement.

What is the difference between Killer Keith and ISIS ?
Not much.

Both demand killing anyone who doesn’t believe the same as they do.
Both are unbalanced, viscous bigots.

Civilized society would be better served if both were in straight jackets and heavily medicated.