VIDEO: Joe Biden Attacks Reporter Over Hunter Influence Peddling Scandal: “I Have No Response”

The Hunter Biden email scandal is gaining steam despite the best efforts of Big TechMary covered the scandal as it emerged when the New York Post published the bombshell, and now Joe Biden has responded.  In typical Joe Biden fashion, he attacked the reporter asking the question and dismissed the underlying scandal as a “smear.”

CBS News’ Bo Erickson asked Biden for his response to the Post story, and Biden responded that he has “no response” and called the scandal a “smear campaign.”  He also dismissed Erickson and said that smear campaigns are “right up [his] alley.”

Erickson asked a reasonable question: what is your reaction?  Nothing hard-hitting or accusatory or in any way offensive.  You’d think.

But his news director took to Twitter, in a now deleted tweet, to “correct” him.

That’s journalism 2020, embed the narrative in the “question” and spoon-feed the answer in same.  Or maybe that’s just how it’s done for Joe given his problems with speaking.  Or knowing for what office he is running.  Or with whom he is running.

Biden’s non-denials and attacks on reporters will not work to quiet the controversy.

Tucker Carlson had a segment last night in which he stated that Fox News has verified that the laptop hard drive is “conclusively” Hunter Biden’s.

Furthermore, Fox News is reporting that one person on an email chain about China influence peddling has verified that email.

This is not going away, no matter how much Adam Schiff screeches, “Russia, Russia, Russia.”

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, China, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Media Bias, Ukraine