Hispanic Pro-Trump Student Senator Faces Impeachment for Criticism of Illegal Immigration
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Hispanic Pro-Trump Student Senator Faces Impeachment for Criticism of Illegal Immigration

Hispanic Pro-Trump Student Senator Faces Impeachment for Criticism of Illegal Immigration

“Sen. Martinez’s public statements and actions undermine the mission of inclusivity pertinent to her role”

This young woman is not only Hispanic, she is the student representative for diversity and inclusion. She just happens to have views that the left will not tolerate.

The College Fix reports:

Pro-Trump Hispanic student senator faces impeachment for old tweets critical of illegal immigration

A pro-Trump Hispanic student at Loyola Marymount University who serves as the student government senator for diversity and inclusion at the school is facing an impeachment probe this month by her peers.

The attempt to remove her began late last spring after a progressive student news organization uncovered past tweets in which she voiced opposition to illegal immigration, and now that effort will soon be voted on by the Associated Students of Loyola Marymount University.

Stephanie Martinez, who describes herself as conservative, became the subject of the impeachment inquiry on Sunday night after her fellow diversity and inclusion senator, Camille Orozco, brought forward an impeachment motion during the student government’s weekly meeting.

“Sen. Martinez’s public statements and actions undermine the mission of inclusivity pertinent to her role as Senator for Diversity and Inclusion,” Orozco’s complaint reads, according to a copy obtained by The College Fix.

“I, Sen. Orozco, maintain that the responsibilities related to this position, are not only undermined, but completely contradicted by the impact that Sen. Martinez’s statements and actions have had among the student body.”

Shortly after being elected last spring, Martinez’s old tweets resurfaced after a progressive news organization, Agency LMU, brought them to light in a May 2020 post.

In one tweet from July 7, 2019, Martinez wrote that “the same people advocating for rights, equality and better conditions for illegal aliens are the same one censoring freedom of speech (a right), defaming and initiating hostility for those Americans with divergent views! Sad!”

Her tweets prompted the creation of a petition calling for her impeachment, and removal from the student government, which garnered about 560 signatures.


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Well, since “inclusion” is a code-word for illegal-denialism and open borders (as alien lawbreakers are the group to be “included”), maybe she should be removed from the office. She can no more do that job than a Marxist could be a representative for free markets and personal independence, or a student who had already had three abortions could reasonably be a representative for a “right-to-life” platform. It’d be as silly as putting, say, Iran on a U.N. “religious freedom” commission.

JusticeDelivered | October 9, 2020 at 5:23 pm

She should tell the to stuff it ad put her efforts into Trump’s reelection.