Former Obama Speechwriter and Wife of Former Democrat Candidate Among Biden Town Hall Questioners

Biden and Trump held dueling town halls in which Trump was badgered by the moderator and Biden was treated with kid gloves by a former Clinton Staffer.

Better (or worse?) still, of those that asked Biden questions, one was a former Obama speechwriter, serving in the same administration as Biden, and the other was the wife of a former Pennsylvania Democrat candidate. But everything is fair and balanced, right?

From Fox News:

Two of the questioners at the ABC town hall featuring Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Thursday had ties to high-profile Democrats, including one questioner who previously worked as a speechwriter in the Obama administration.

One of the questioners at the ABC-hosted event was Nathan Osburn, a former speechwriter for the Obama White House. Osburn specifically worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration.

Would be bad enough if this were an isolated event, but it happened at a recent NBC town hall event, too. See also:

Some NBC News ‘Undecided Voters’ During Town Hall Told MSNBC They Support Biden

Is anyone *really* buying this stuff? I say, no.