Durham Dreams Destroyed

On September 12, 2020, in a moment of wishful thinking, I wrote, Aggressive Attempts To Discredit Durham Investigation May Reflect Something Big Is Coming Down.It was wishful thinking, but not completely delusional. I knew the risks of wishcasting:

I haven’t had much hope for the investigation being conducted by prosecutor John Durham. Not because of anything particular to the Durham investigation, but we’ve been disappointed too many times before.The guilty plea of an ex-FBI lawyer for falsifying a FISA document created the possibility that he was cooperating, and that there would be more to come. But still, after that plea:

The usual suspects are declaring the Durham investigation illegitimate and a nothingburger.I’ve been so dissapointed with Republican-led investigations that I’m not hoping for much more.But let me be very clear what I want to see: James Comey frog-marched in an orange jumpsuit, legs shackled and hands bound at his waste, leading a chain gang of Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, and John Does Nos. 1-13, into the federal courthouse, with the unsealing of an indictment naming mysterious persons “Renegade” and “Celtic” as unindicted co-conspirators.You can’t take away my dreams.

So what’s going on? Who is whispering in the Hartford Courant’s ear?

Someone or people who know something big is coming down, and want to discredit it in advance.

You can’t take away my dreams.

Actually, you can take away my dreams, Barr tells Republicans Durham report won’t be ready by election:

Attorney General Bill Barr has begun telling top Republicans that the Justice Department’s sweeping review into the origins of the Russia investigation will not be released before the election, a senior White House official and a congressional aide briefed on the conversations tell Axios.Why it matters: Republicans had long hoped the report, led by U.S. Attorney John Durham, would be a bombshell containing revelations about what they allege were serious abuses by the Obama administration and intelligence community probing for connections between President Trump and Russia.

What we’re hearing: Barr is communicating that Durham is taking his investigation extremely seriously and is focused on winning prosecutions.

It was now or never. Now it’s never. The deep corruption of the attempt to undermine Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and transition is important NOW. It’s a factor in the 2020 election. Convictions later are too late. Prosecution if Biden wins is over.

No one should be prosecuted for political purposes, but if the roles were reversed, you better believe Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch would have buttoned-up a case prior to the election. This is why we lose.

Tags: John Durham, Trump Russia