Deer Crashes Through Dining Hall Window at University of Findlay

Maybe the deer just wanted some lunch. It worked pretty hard to get into the building.

ABC 13 in Ohio reports:

Deer crashes into University of FindlayUniversity of Findlay students and staff are reacting to a deer crashing its way through Henderson Dining Hall on campus. The doe smashing its way through glass windows while students sat eating their lunch.“Oh my goodness my heart was pounding and it almost brought tears to your eyes because you’re thinking the poor deer,” said Henderson Dining Hall server Connie Kelly. “We were full of students and I thought oh my goodness it could really do some damage to everyone.”Employees and students explain they saw the deer first ramming its head into window after window. Findlay students documented the action on video.“It ran back and forth slamming into the glass until it finally crashed into our building, ran a few feet around with students watching it, and then ran out another window again, crashing it,” said University of Findlay server Bobbi Williams.The deer fleed from the dining hall, leaving behind only broken glass and quite the story for the Findlay Oilers.

Here’s a video of the deer outside the building:

Tags: College Insurrection, Ohio