Commission on Presidential Debates to Mute Trump, Biden While Opponent Answers
The final debate is Oct. 22.

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) decided it will mute President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden while the other answers a question during the last debate.
The CPD faced pressure to add a mute button after the candidates kept interrupting each other in the first debate.
I stress both because I see so much blame on Trump. Biden was not innocent. Both were annoying and obnoxious.
Anyway! From NBC News:
President Donald Trump and Joe Biden will have their microphones cut off during Thursday’s final presidential debate while their opponent delivers initial two-minute answers to each debate topic, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced Monday.
The commission said both microphones will be on, however, during open-discussion segments of the debate.
“We realize, after discussions with both campaigns, that neither campaign may be totally satisfied with the measures announced today,” the commission said in a statement. “One may think they go too far, and one may think they do not go far enough. We are comfortable that these actions strike the right balance and that they are in the interest of the American people, for whom these debates are held.”
Trump is not pleased but will participate.
The debate takes place on October 22. It will last about 90 minutes with six 15-minute segments.
Trump’s campaign demanded the CPD stick to the “long-standing custom” of having foreign policy as the central focus in the debate.
Moderator Kristen Welker listed National Security as a topic, which could be taken as foreign policy so I don’t get the uproar.
Trump and his campaign blamed the CPD for twisting the topics so Biden can avoid talking about his foreign policy record, especially the explosive stories about his son’s emails.
Trump can easily bring up Biden’s issues during the National Security portion.

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Geez, they sure got Trump now. If Trump wins this election, we can thank the press for motivating everyone to vote. Probably the most underdog story in the history of America.
“Moderator Kristen Welker listed National Security as a topic, which could be taken as foreign policy so I don’t get the uproar.”
In this case “National Security” will mean “racial inequality”, or “climate change”, or “Russian hacking of the 2016 election”, or “white supremacist groups” lurking under every bed, or similar rubbish.
Anything and everything to support the Democrat-Media complex’s “Orange Man Bad” agenda.
As time goes on, it becomes more and more apparent, in fact obvious, that the Leftists are engaged in an incredibly comprehensive and unyielding coup against virtually the entire population of the United States and, most horribly, against our Constitution and our common shared beliefs. State, local federal, they have mobilized legions of co-conspirators and fellow travelers to accomplish their plan. They have done this deliberately and patiently over many years by perverting our entire education system and most amazingly, by putting a selective lock on all systems of communication and news dispersal. Now they are at the point where they can flat out lie in our faces with no effective dissent or remedy possible. Conservatives have had all their communication lines to the rest of the population completely cut. They are frighteningly near to achieving a “checkmate”. Am I exaggerating? Please reply “Yes,” if you can – sometimes I like to be wrong, especially now.
and Hunter Biden
Trump’s campaign demanded the CPD stick to the “long-standing custom” of having foreign policy as the central focus in the debate.
Moderator Kristen Welker listed National Security as a topic, which could be taken as foreign policy so I don’t get the uproar.
You don’t?
“National Security” is NOT “foreign policy.” Obama perverted the concept of national security. It’s now oriented toward “enemies domestic” rather than “enemies foreign.” Instead of being on the lookout for the kind of foreigners who fly American airplanes into American buildings, he turned it into a spy and sabotage operation against Americans who didn’t have his approval—Republicans, conservatives, Christians, white people, the Trump Campaign, gun owners, anybody who thinks “free speech” is a good idea, etc.
And voila, if Trump wants to talk about something besides the virtues of Democratic control of our intelligence agencies, the DOJ, the IRS, the Internet, the Post Office, and the news channels, well then, all they have to do is cut his mic.
In the long history of bad ideas, this must be close to the worst.
Mary is letting her #neverTrump slip show
National security and foreign policy are only somewhat overlapping topics. Trump, in demanding that one of the topics be one where he is quite strong, was trying to negotiate a better deal. The commission had no interest in negotiating with the guy they want to lose.
This should seal the deal for the educated voter. The slack-jawed lo-infos who get their news from the networks and have voted the Democrat ticket all their lives will go on doing what they’ve always done.
Any bets on Trump’s mike being the only one getting muted while Joe’s just mysteriously keeps working?
Trump should propose a compromise rule: while Biden’s mike is on, his earpiece is off.
All in favor of each candidate having a mute button for the ‘moderator’ also, raise your thumb…
Well hey: fair’s fair right?
But how will they prevent the moderator from interupting?
It’ll be a mystery how Trump’s mic gets cut off at other opportune times, like when he goes after Biden for his China money.
If the debate turns really contentious, I fully expect Trump to walk past the barriers and talk on the available active microphone.
“Trump can easily bring up Biden’s issues during the National Security portion.”
You fool. The mute button isnt to stop Trump and Biden interrupting each other. Its to stop Trump from talking about shit the Democrat moderator doesnt want talked about.
Just end this shit show and cancel it already. We already know its going to be a debate between Trump and the moderator.
mailman — right on the money. Trump’s mike will (unexpectantly) cut off while he is speaking several times. Plus, Biden’s mute will fail and he will be able to interrupt several times.
Sure Trump can talk foreign policy during whatever time he gets in the “national security” segment. And then it will be over and they’ll move on. Biden gets to be shown up for 15 minutes, or rather half that, and that’s it. How is that a substitute for a full debate focused on foreign policy?
Good point. It isn’t.
Any “debate” on foreign policy will be short and sweet as Trump lists his accomplishments in that area. If somebody has a problem with peace breaking out in the Middle East, curtailment of Chinese influence and its goal of global domination, and encouraging the EU from sucking the American teat as much as in the past, let him explain how these things are bad.
Can they cut off the “moderators?” That would be more useful.
On further consideration, this is even worse than I thought at first.
The object here is simple (as it must be if Slow Joe is going to be able to play his part). It is to allow Biden to get up and repeat the most outrageous lies, starting with “very fine people” at Charlottesville, and leave PDJT spluttering afterwards, when it’s too late to do anything to stop it. And a few seconds is too late. In a lituation like this, the liar has to be attacked while he’s lying, not after.
National Security equals Russia, Russia, Russia…….nonsense and exaggeration. Adam Schiff will write the premised questions.
“Moderator Kristen Welker listed National Security as a topic, which could be taken as foreign policy so I don’t get the uproar.”
First given the moderator and the composition of the debate commission, I choose to interpret this event as an orchestrated D-Party promo. (Kinda like the ambush of NRADana with SheriffLyin in Florida. Some “debate.”)
I get why they don’t explicitly want to talk “foreign policy” with OrangeManBad being the guy with 4 Nobel Peace Prize nominations, a couple impossible treaties recognizing Israel, less wars than when he came in, draw-downs in greater-Iraq and Afghanistan, brush-back of Little Rocket Man, increased military prep & integration (including weapons sales to) across non-China Asaia-Pacific, NATO allies contributing more to NATO…
You can argue whether withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords, and / or The Iran deal is good policy. BUT, it seems they don’t want to have that argument. BUT, it seems they don’t want to have that argument.
That said, the fundamental arguments around National Security make for pretty clear contrasts.
Is the “moderator”, “commentators”, “analysts” n “reporters” gonna be wearing their robed kangaroo halloween costumes … it’s that kind of court?
Or maybe cangaroo with a crown and a septre: “Off with his head.”f
Yes, I just flogged a bad joke. Not nearly as bad as so many, lately. I am also under-performing on the “flogging” part.
Besides it going to be another 2 on 1 debate with the moderator blocking for Sundowner I wonder if it was a attempt to get Trump to refuse the debate leaving Sundowner without any opportunity to be asked about Hunter’s computer and kick backs to him.
The “Moderator” will continually interrupt Trump while letting Biden say whatever he wants with no push-back. That is how this debate will go.
IMO the debate commission is making both a short term and long term error.
Short-term. Keep candidates to a two minute segment. Ok the candidate can give a simple short answer the go silent or move to another topic. If they cut off a candidate under the two minute mark there will be hell to pay.
This doesn’t preclude either candidate from engaging the other during their two minutes. I would recommend PDJT recast his answers to exploit this.
Long term. The future composition of the pool of moderators must and will widen. Media hacks with appropriate ‘seniority’ can not remain their stranglehold.
If I were the 2024 r campaign manager I would ask for the same sort of bias displayed in selection but this time in favor of r. If a d former press/communication person or a former d staffer can be viewed as impartial then so can former r staff.
Are they going to say someone like D Perino isn’t capable of basic journalistic integrity but somehow former d staff can magically transform into paragons of virtue?
Trump can just ignore the questions and use the two minutes as he sees fit.