College Music Department Pledges to Remove ‘Systemic Racism’ From Curriculum

In too many places, the progressive agenda is more important than the actual subject of study.

The College Fix reports:

College music department pledges to remove the ‘systemic racism’ from its curriculumThe music department of Meredith College has promised to tackle racism problems, according to a news release from the university.The private college in North Carolina has pledged to change the way it picks music, highlight a diverse set of musicians and overall create a more inclusive curriculum, according to the September 25 statement.“Having been aware of systemic racism in housing, banking, education, etc., I have to admit that I was not truly aware of how that systemic racism was built into our curriculum in music and music education,” Jeanie Wozencrat-Ornellas, the music department head, said in the news release.She stated she plans a number of changes as part of the music department’s contribution to the university’s overall anti-racism plans.It includes a curriculum revision that will promote the “inclusion of marginalized musicians” including an addition of the “contributions of BIPOC, women, and LGBTQ musicians.” BIPOC refers to black, indigenous and people of color.“European tonal scales/intervals will be compared with other cultural tonal systems in the theory classes, and be further investigated in the global music course, including harmonies, tones, rhythms, and notation not used in western music,” the university noted.Improperly labeled songs will also be removed from the playlist.Music department faculty will take “definitive steps … to purge ensemble libraries of inappropriate selections,” including “‘Chinese folk songs’ that include neither Chinese poetry nor harmonies, and are written by white composers.”The choral director at the university also criticized her own field for not being “proactive” enough in “anti-racism.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Music, North Carolina, Social Justice