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Boston University Now Requiring Students to Show Digital COVID-19 Badges To Enter Buildings

Boston University Now Requiring Students to Show Digital COVID-19 Badges To Enter Buildings

“We hope this will be a reminder to everyone of the importance of daily symptom attestation and testing for keeping our campus safe”

Nothing Orwellian about this. It’s amazing how far things have gone in such a short amount of time.

From the Boston Globe, via MSN:

Boston University students must show digital COVID-19 badges on campus

Boston University has begun requiring students to show a digital badge indicating they’re up to date with COVID-19 testing and symptom screening to gain entry to campus dining halls, libraries, and other facilities, school officials said.

BU officials said the policy, which went into effect Thursday, was necessary due to “declining compliance” and a “worrisome increase in the daily numbers of cases of the virus among our student body, as well as our staff, over the last week.”

In a letter posted Tuesday on the university’s website, Boston University president Robert A. Brown and Kenneth Elmore, associate provost and dean of students, reminded students they must also continue to follow protocols for testing, screening, and social distancing, as well as be ready to show the badges on their phones.

“We hope this will be a reminder to everyone of the importance of daily symptom attestation and testing for keeping our campus safe,” they wrote.

According to a report in BU Today, a dozen students were suspended after they participated in at least one of three parties held Oct. 3 at off-campus residences in Allston. Five others who attended the parties were placed on deferred suspension for the rest of the academic year, according to the report.

University officials told BU Today that mask-wearing and social distancing were disregarded at the parties, and that a physical assault occurred at one when one student threw a beer can that ricocheted off a building and into another student. Officials said there was no evidence any of the students involved had COVID-19 or that the coronavirus was spread at any of the three parties.


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Absolutely do not comply.

You do not need this crappy education this badly.

Did they really say “daily testing”, for a disease with effectively zero danger to college-age people?

Republican students should start calling them “letters of transit.”

On another front, I am hearing rumors that a local church may start requiring an attendance sheet at my regular Alcoholics not so Anonymous anymore meeting for contact tracing once the in-person stuff resumes. I guess I will need to school some people on the traditions, again.

“a physical assault occurred at one when one student threw a beer can that ricocheted off a building and into another student. ”

University Officials at AOC’s alma mater are major snowflakes. That’s getting hit by an empty beer can, not a physical assault.

By the way, I suspect that party will not be a “super spreader” event if the attendees were drinking. Alcohol (esp. the fumes up the nose) kills virus, although something potent like whiskey is better than beer.