Another Trump Middle East Breakthrough – Israel and Sudan to Normalize Ties
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Another Trump Middle East Breakthrough – Israel and Sudan to Normalize Ties

Another Trump Middle East Breakthrough – Israel and Sudan to Normalize Ties

The third Arab nation this year to open ties with Israel, after the UAE and Bahrain.

The Trump administration has just announced another Middle East breakthrough. Sudan and Israel will normalize ties. This is the third Arab nation to do so as a result of Trump’s efforts, in addition to the United Arab Emirate and Bahrain.

The Deputy Assistant to the President tweeted:

The step follows Sudan’s removal from the list of state supporters of terrorism:

The Jerusalem Post previously reported that the Palestinian leadership would view the opening of relations between Israel and Sudan as a disaster:

The possible normalization of relations between Israel and Sudan will have a negative impact on the Palestinian issue, Palestinian officials said Thursday.

Responding to reports that Sudan may become the third country in recent weeks to establish relations with Israel, after the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, they said it would be another severe blow to the Palestinians….

“If Sudan joins the train of normalization with Israel, it will be another setback for the Palestinian issue,” a Palestinian Authority official told The Jerusalem Post. “It won’t come as a surprise, but Sudan will become the third Arab country to stab the Palestinians in the back and act in violation of Arab consensus and resolutions.”

The Times of Israel reports:

During a call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Suden Sovereign Council president General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and civilian leader and Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, Trump brought reporters into the Oval Office and announced: “The State of Israel and the Republic of Sudan have agreed to make peace.”

“We are expanding the circle of peace so rapidly with your leadership,” Netanyahu could be heard telling Trump, who responded by saying. “There are many, many more coming.”



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OwenKellogg-Engineer | October 23, 2020 at 12:08 pm

More to come!

I don’t think the “Palestinian cause” has anything to do with anything good for the people living in Palestine.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Valerie. | October 23, 2020 at 1:07 pm

    Palestinians our city hood rats have much in common, on average, both are comparatively slow witted (Avg. IQ 85), both are impulsive and murderous.

    The difference is that camel jockey’s want to murder on a grand scale. Then there is BLM, which appears to have similar goals.

    I am certain that Palestinians are in such poor shape that they cannot be salvaged, and the same may be true for a large percentage of American blacks.

Seems everyone in the neighborhood is figuring out who the bully is and it’s not Isreal.

Why the hell didn’t he talk more about this stuff last night????? He could have mentioned that he’s at least been nominated for the Peace Prize, what — four times – I forget — for his work bringing peace to the middle east. That really would have put Joe back on his heels.

Groundhog Day | October 23, 2020 at 1:05 pm

And this again clearly shows: Trump is an antisemite (translation for Democrat readers: Trump hates Jews!!!)…

    zennyfan in reply to Groundhog Day. | October 23, 2020 at 1:24 pm

    For a Jew-hater, Trump has a strange fixation for Middle East peace. I can’t figure it out. /sarc

      Groundhog Day in reply to zennyfan. | October 23, 2020 at 1:30 pm

      Yeahm it’s weird…

      guyjones in reply to zennyfan. | October 23, 2020 at 1:49 pm

      For an alleged “Jew-hater” with a Jewish daughter and grand-children, that Trump sure seems to be doing a lot of positive stuff to benefits Jews, worldwide.

      The Dhimmi-crats are vile, the most gleeful and unabashed Jew-haters, around.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Groundhog Day. | October 23, 2020 at 3:52 pm

    This brings up a pount: how many Jews will become Trump voters as a result of all of this work?

    I’m guessing very few, and I include the AIPAC crowd.

      There are a fair number of Jewish conservatives, but, as with Christians who are committed Dhimmi-crats, it is difficult to overcome years of Leftist indoctrination in academia, from media influence, and, from the pulpit.

Who’s next? Saudi Arabia?

I talked to a childhood acquaintance and his wife years ago who were missionaries to Gaza and who had become apologists for the Gazans. According to them the Israelis were 100% the bad guys. I wonder what they think of the peace breaking out in the Middle East.

The Iranian mullahs will have one more entertaining comeapart. Pass the pop corn.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | October 23, 2020 at 1:41 pm

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” – Matthew 5:9

Meanwhile back on the communist Chinese owned chicken ranch, otherwise known as the Democratic Party…….

Leftwing Imbeciles Mock Trump For Saying Coyotes Bring Illegal Aliens Across the Border;

They Believe He Meant Literal Four-Legged Coyotes

Truly laudable and praiseworthy foreign policy accomplishments. Only embittered, Jew-hating and POTUS-hating jihadists and Dhimmi-crats would denigrate the substance of these diplomatic achievements.

And, rest assured that corrupt, mendacious, avaricious, dim-witted, dotard-marionette, “Godfather,” “Big Guy,” “10%” Joe Biden, will work to reverse these achievements, via his destructive dhimmitude.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | October 23, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    But, vile Biden won’t be able to undo these achievements, ’cause POTUS is going to be re-elected, decisively.

Imagine what further diplomatic magic POTUS can work with another four-year term? World peace demands POTUS’s election and the rejection of dhimmi, dim-witted jihadist puppet, corrupt “10%,” “Big Guy,” Biden.

    mailman in reply to guyjones. | October 23, 2020 at 3:55 pm

    I guarantee you the left is working its flaps off to ensure that doesn’t happen. World peace means nothing to liberals.

These deals would not be happening if world leaders really thought Trump wasn’t getting re-elected.

Keep in mind that while Biden is sitting in his basement for days on end putting a lid on his campaigning, Trump is doing multiple campaign stops across the country every day, fundraisers, his regular daily responsibilities as leader of the free world, and somehow, somehow manages to close international deals that make the world freer. Just sayin’.

I wonder what they pumped into Biden during his 4day hiatus before the debate. He actually managed the full time and compared to his recent utterances was somewhat cohesive.
With this peace accord with Sudan, maybe we in Australia can return the rabble to their country thus removing some very angry nasty pieces of work from our shores.

The very best part is how badly aoc, tlaib and the others are crying their eyes out.
Gives one a warm fuzzy feeling knowing it’s destroying them inside.

Alonzo Archimemedes | October 24, 2020 at 5:40 am

“stab in the back”?
seems i heard that one before.
let me think…i know, it was shickelgruber,the original A H.