This just looks like more virtue signaling from the academic left. The timing is also suspicious, given everything that’s going on now.
The College Fix reports:
University of Oregon launches ‘black studies’ minor to fight racismThe University of Oregon recently launched a minor in Black Studies. It comes after a fight from activists and accusations of “anti-blackness” at the institution.The public university in Oregon announced the new minor on September 7 and noted that while the idea had been floating around since 1968, it “gained traction in 2015, when members of the Black Student Task Force rallied on the steps of Johnson Hall with a list of 12 demands that included a Black studies program,” according to the university press release.The website for the Black Studies Program describes itself as “a Black Liberation project for Black people in the United States.”The minor is composed of 24 credits that are divided between “Root” and “Route” courses. Some course titles include African American History, Black Feminist Theories, and Race and Incarceration.The program will “provide a starting point for a deeper commitment by UO to repair decades of systemic anti-Black racism,” according to the public university’s press release.The director of the program elaborated on the goals for the minor.“Registration for the Minor has not begun yet, so there aren’t any students enrolled yet,” program director Avinnash Tiwari told The College Fix via email. Tiwari wants students to have a scholarly experience.“I hope they ask themselves, their peers, and their instructors and professors tough questions, don’t settle for a herd mentality or get caught up in mass movements of reactivity, and do the work we scholars and scholar-students should be doing: study, study, study,” Tiwari said.