U. North Texas Looking Into Conservative Group After Student Says They Make Her Feel ‘Unsafe’

Students who make this claim should be reminded that they can go home. You feel unsafe because of the way other people think? No problem. Just go home.

Campus Reform reports:

University of North Texas president says he is ‘looking into’ conservative group after student says she feels ‘unsafe’The Young Conservatives of Texas chapter at the University of North Texas is being “looked into” by the university president, Neal Smatresk, after a student tweeted that she feels “unsafe” and “harassed” by the group’s affiliation with the university.After multiple instances of tweets and bake sales from the group were deemed “offensive” by some students, a petition was started to have the group removed from campus. The petition, signed by UNT Democrats, highlights the incidents from the YCT Twitter account and accuses them of “racism, transphobia, and homophobia.””UNT made a huge mistake reinstating YCT in 2019, even after the last chapter’s actions. In order for a safe campus climate to be strengthened, YCT must be removed from UNT as an officially registered organization,” the petition reads.The petition, which has 2,700 signatures, highlights YCT being removed from campus in 2005 for similar reasons.The Texas online newspaper Texas Scorecard has sent multiple requests for information to the school, and each time, it responded citing laws that say that it isn’t legally required to give that information.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Texas