Swarthmore College Student Newspaper Calls for Mandatory Critical Race Theory for Graduation
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Swarthmore College Student Newspaper Calls for Mandatory Critical Race Theory for Graduation

Swarthmore College Student Newspaper Calls for Mandatory Critical Race Theory for Graduation

“The college’s portrayal of itself as a liberal beacon is a façade when resources aren’t invested into the programs that support Black and Indigenous students”

This is nothing more than an attempt to make left-wing politics a requirement. It’s politics by force, under the guise of higher education.

The College Fix reports:

Swarthmore College student paper: Mandate critical race theory for graduation

In a recent editorial where the Swarthmore College Phoenix tells the school to “prioritize Black [and] Indigenous Studies,” the editors also state they want critical race theory implemented as a graduation requirement.

Such a mandate, the editors argue, would assist Black and Indigenous students by “not unduly burden[ing]” them with the responsibility of providing that education (to their peers) themselves.

The editorial calls out Swarthmore officials for failing to uphold “the Quaker value of equality” due to their not directing sufficient resources to “ethnic studies” programs. It also wonders why there remain no Indigenous Studies Department and Indigenous faculty at the school, despite Native students numbering less than one percent of the student body.

Indigenous studies and faculty are but two of almost three-year-old demands of the Swarthmore Indigenous Students Association. Other demands include active recruitment of Native students from reservations and schools, “encouraging classes on Indigenous peoples in all departments,” and removing the American flag from the college’s original building, Parrish Hall…

From the editorial:

Today, despite dedicated student efforts to establish a full Black Studies department, the program only offers a minor and an interdisciplinary special major. Because students must design their own special majors and have them approved through several channels, unlike with formalized majors, the onus of creating a curriculum still falls on students. Additionally, since the major is fully interdisciplinary, there are no full-time, tenured Black studies professors.

The college has continued to offer platitudes to its students over actions. The college’s portrayal of itself as a liberal beacon is a façade when resources aren’t invested into the programs that support Black and Indigenous students, which should start by establishing Black studies and Indigenous studies as independent departments. In addition, in order to ensure that the education of the entire Swarthmore community regarding Black and Indigenous issues does not unduly burden members of these communities or is confined within Black and Indigenous departments, the college should also implement critical race theory as a graduation requirement.


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The Friendly Grizzly | September 21, 2020 at 8:06 am

I know that there are several college guides published each year, like the one from US News and World Reports, and, I think TIME had one.

Is anyone publishing a list of colleges that are, in fact, still places of higher learning? I know the list will be quite small, with places like Hillsdale, but, still… is there such a list? If not, there should be.

Is Critical Race Theory on the list of oxymorons yet?

JusticeDelivered | September 21, 2020 at 12:00 pm

Since the sixties political correctness has deemed that everyone had better toe the line that blacks failure to thrive is nearly all due to environmental factors.

Here is a more likely explanation, and there is much more supporting this.


    I don’t think such a study could be funded or published today.

    There are many studies and many papers published on differences in outcomes, but to be funded or published, they have to start with the conclusion of “Racism” and work backward toward making the evidence fit that conclusion. That’s the whole premise of critical race theory.

Instead, I’d recommend douching 101 and advanced meatloaf theory. Way more important for what those swags will need to know.

They are supported by the opportunity to major in something where they might get a job.