Students at Brigham Young U. Petition to Bring Back ‘Christ-Centered’ Education

Good for these students. You wouldn’t think you’d have to make such a demand at a school like BYU. It just goes to show how far things have drifted.

Campus Reform reports:

BYU student starts petition to bring back ‘Christ-centered education’Students at Brigham Young University have started a petition to bring back “Christ-centered education” at the university, that has already gained over three thousand signatures in support.Hanna Searic and Tristen Mourier at BYU stated in the petition that they feel the university has “wavered on a practical level” when it comes to fulfilling its mission statement, which is “to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life.”In an interview with ABC 4, Searic said that her primary purpose is to simply have a discussion with the BYU administration over the concerns of how modern culture is influencing the campus. She said her intention is not to have any faculty feel as if they were being “attacked.”Searic told the local TV station that she has faced “backlash” for her efforts, with BYU students opposing her movement to restructure education religiously grounded, which she feels the school is moving away from.Searic’s and Mourier say that one of the motives of their campaign was a lack of encouragement and sponsorship from faculty members for student organizations which were either attributed to conservative activism or affiliated with the LDS Church.The petition notes that they acknowledge the BYU’s faculty’s pursuit of academic freedom with the ability to teach other subjects, noting that it does not aim to discourage personal opinions on social issues, but wishes to “place LDS religious values in all of the activities of the institution…to produce students who are fully appreciative of the principles of the Latter-day Saints faith and of their roles in the universe as sacred and independent individuals,” as stated by former BYU President Ernest Wilkinson.

Tags: College Insurrection, Religion