Student Senator at Florida State U. Says He Was Removed for Holding Traditional Catholic Views

Jack Denton claims he was removed from his position in student government at Florida State University for holding views which are not controversial, but simply Catholic.

He writes at the Daily Wire:

Cancel Culture Kicked Me Out of My College Job Simply Because I Was CatholicThe COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to rethink our lives and cancel various plans. Vacations have been canceled. Sports have been canceled. Classes have been canceled. But at my university, I soon found “cancel culture” taking this canceling to whole new level. I was removed from my job as Student Senate President at Florida State University because my peers and administrators decided to cancel my Catholic faith.My story started on a bright day in early June. Though we were in the midst of the summer semester, I remained digitally engaged with my classmates during the pandemic, including those in the Catholic Student Union. In our Catholic GroupMe chat, one student shared a YouTube video that was soliciting donations and collecting ad revenue for several organizations, including the ACLU and two organizations take several positions that clearly conflict with Catholic doctrine. For example, the ACLU is so unabashedly pro-abortion that it is fighting Ohio’s law that protects unborn children from being aborted because of their disability status. aims to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” where children are raised by a married mother and father. Both and the ACLU also support radical secular theories on transgenderism.I decided to politely point out my concerns to my classmates in the Catholic GroupMe chat. I realize that our nation is wrestling with very challenging issues on race right now, and the solutions to those issues are complex and unclear…The content of my messages was leaked and mischaracterized all over social media. I had countless false accusations of “hate” and “discrimination” levied against me, and by extension, against Catholicism. Thousands of people signed a petition saying I was unfit to serve as Senate president. And less than a week later, an overwhelming majority of the Student Senate that I had worked so hard to serve succumbed to these demands, removing me strictly because of my Catholic beliefs.

Tags: Cancel Culture, College Insurrection, Florida, Religion