Progressives Now Scouring Shakespeare for Linguistic Racism

Nothing is sacred and this lunacy is going to continue for as long as it is allowed to continue.

The College Fix reports:

‘Dismantling anti-black linguistic racism in Shakespeare’ guide earns support from academiaA Chicago-based director is leading an effort to dismantle “anti-black language” in the plays of William Shakespeare, a worthwhile effort, several college professors told The College Fix.“I kept seeing people bump up against words … and not know what to do,” Lavina Jadhwani told The College Fix in a telephone interview.Jadhwani, the South-Asian director leading the effort, has created a guide that lists a number of “problematic words” in Shakespeare’s plays.She states in the document she is not calling for Shakespeare to be canceled, writing his works “contain poetry and truths and stories that I believe are still worth telling,” but that the guide offers suggestions and options on how to avoid using offensive words.The guide contains words such as “black,” “master,” “slave,” “minstrel” and “Ethiope.”Called the “Dismantling Anti-Black Linguistic Racism in Shakespeare: A Field Guide,” it notes that: “Black lives matter. And words matter. Words can do harm. It is time we stop harming Black people with our words.”Jadhwani told The Fix one example in her guide is “the word that starts with an ‘N’ but means miserly.”The word she is referring to is “niggardly,” which can describe one who is cheap or ungenerous, such as Charles Dickens’ Ebenezer Scrooge.Jadhwani said many object to the use of this word because it sounds like the n-word.“I’m not a person who believes in absolutes,” Jadhwani said. She clarified that, while she would not want to say the word, if a black actor believed that there was “some power in using it,” she would not discourage that person.

Tags: College Insurrection, Culture, Progressives