Prof Rails Against White Christians Who Deny Climate Change Amid Wildfires
“many white Christians believe God won’t let climate change destroy the earth”

There are reports which indicate some of these fires are the result of arson, but why let that stand in the way of a narrative?
The College Fix reports:
Professor: White Christians deny climate change while west coast burns
A professor of women, gender and sexuality studies at Oregon State University is claiming white Christians “turn away from the root causes of [climate] devastation” even while fires devastate western regions of the country.
In a Baptist News op-ed, Susan Shaw asserts “the intensity and scope” of the current wildfires in Oregon are the result of climate change/global warming, yet many in the Christian community do not believe in the phenomenon.
“Just over half of white mainline Protestants agree that climate change is a crisis or major problem,” Shaw says. “Only 44% of white evangelicals say the same. Nearly a quarter say it’s not a problem at all.
“Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus on the role of human activity in climate change, only about 40% of white mainline Protestants, 45% of white Catholics, and 28% of white evangelicals accept this fact.”
Lest you think the prof simply is zeroed in on the science (or “science,” if you prefer), she points out that 70% of Democrats believe in climate change (as opposed to 22% of the GOP), and that white evangelicals overwhelmingly back President Trump — who’s “offered no words of consolation or support to the West” during the current crisis, and has attempted “to roll back more than 100 environmental protection regulations.”
Shaw notes “many white Christians believe God won’t let climate change destroy the earth” while others “see climate-related disasters as signs of the end times.”

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” professor of women, gender and sexuality studies”
Therein lies the problem.
Even natives understood that it was wise to avoid fuel load buildup. These fires are a symptom of poor forestry practices.
Virtually all of this professorial blather would disappear if the Styrofoam majors were eliminated.
Warden Newsom also seized on the wild fires to lecture everyone about global warming. Normally, a governor would be keeping us updated on his efforts to coordinate an emergency response for putting out the fires and keeping everyone safe. We get political lectures pushing a long-discredited hoax.
Somebody wake me up. This can’t really be happening. Where did the responsible adults go?
These governors (CA, OR, WA) continue to use climate change as an excuse for their own failure to manage their forests properly. They act like the dry climate has caught them by surprise. Where have they been for the last decade? They should have seen the trends and prepared accordingly.
Every forester knows that all forests will burn periodically. It’s part of the natural cycle. You can blame a small fire on someone’s gender reveal or whatever, but the fact that it grows into a catastrophic fire is the fault of the government and its lack of proper forestry. So the climate is changing? Deal with it, and don’t act like it took you by surprise.
Our overgrown western forests need to be thinned and the brush removed. The normal way to do that is to sell off the timber to be thinned, and require the logging company to remove and burn the brush and the slash. That’s done at no cost to taxpayers. But the tree-huggers have eliminated the western lumber industry, so the trees and the brush have continued to accumulate. When that dense mass burns during the dry season, there is no stopping it.
Once the forests are thinned and the heavy brush removed, the forests should be burned every 3-5 years during the wet season. That removes the growing weeds and brush and actually promotes the growth of the trees by killing bark insects. But the environmentalists have made it nearly impossible for foresters to accomplish controlled burns. They ban a controlled burn because it might hurt air quality, but later that results in a conflagration that blankets large areas in dangerous amounts of smoke.
Similarly, if a controlled burn gets away and burns one house, that will shut down the burning program. But if you neglect the controlled burning program, you get uncontrollable wildfires that destroy thousands of houses.
Whether we are seeing climate change or not, these huge wildfires show that our western forests are being mismanaged. We need changes in the laws and in the people who administer the forests to allow for thinning and regular prescribed burns during the wet season so that the fires that occur during the dry season can be more easily controlled.
Does the government pay to replace your house if they start a “controlled” burn that burns down your house?
So um…only ‘white’ Christians do this. Christians who don’t happen to be white don’t …. do whatever she is railing about.