Murkowski Hedges on Upcoming SCOTUS Vote
Leaving Sen. Collins out to dry

The Senate’s squishy middle contingent is shrinking. Rapidly.
Cocaine Mitch got to Sen. Romney who committed to considering a SCOTUS nominee and now Sen. Murkowski, who said last week that she wanted to stick to the “2016 precedent” has changed her tune, saying she “won’t rule out” voting to confirm a Trump nominee to the SCOTUS before November’s election.
From KTOO:
If Democrats were counting on Lisa Murkowski to vote against President Trump’s next nominee to the Supreme Court, they should think again.
Sen. Murkowski said Tuesday she could not rule out that she would vote to confirm a Trump nominee if the Judiciary Committee approves one before the November election.
“I know everybody wants to ask the question, ‘will you confirm the nominee?’” she said outside the Capitol, as her Republican colleagues were gathering for their weekly policy lunch. “We don’t have a nominee yet. You and I don’t know who that is. And so I can’t confirm whether or not I can confirm a nominee when I don’t know who the nominee is.”
Murkowski told Alaska Public Media last week, just before Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, that she wanted to stick to the precedent set in 2016, when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to consider President Barack Obama’s nominee because it was too close to an election.
“And so I would not vote to confirm a Supreme Court nominee,” she said Friday.
Murkowski said Tuesday she still opposes a Senate confirmation vote this close to an election.
“I do not support this process moving forward,” she said. “Now, having said that, this process is moving forward with or without me.”
Murkowski said she did not know whether she would withhold her vote to protest the timing of the appointment, but she said the quality of the confirmation process would be a factor.
Which leaves Sen. Collins standing in in the middle on her own.
It’s reasonable to assume internal data/polling/etc. is showing confirming a nominee is the favored course here.

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I am glad I got her straightened out.
A sent her an e-mail last week on my Company e-mail which simply stated:
Dear Senator Murkowski:
I am disappointed in your decision to abstain from the Senate Supreme Court Confirmation vote.
Really, I don’t e-mail her much.
But, maybe she is feeling some heat, especially as we know it’s pretty cut-and-dried that the Nominee will be a Woman.
Her abstaining is a win for us. In fact, the Dems would be very hard pressed to make up the lost “no” votes were she, Collins and Romney to abstain. For them to vote “yes” would make it a slam dunk.
I think soon-to-be-former Senator Collins will end up being the only “no” in the bunch.
McCarthy Threatens To Oust Pelosi
If Dems Try “Impeachment” Delay Over SCOTUS Nomination
Wow! Never saw that happen before but the address still works.
I think I passed the eye test.
McCarthy was on Levin last week explaining why people are underestimating how CA will deliver lots of new Republicans to the House. Not just the 6 in Orange County that were stolen by ballot harvesting but several more because of Trump’s popularity. I expect Pelosi to retire regardless of who wins in November.
His threat is empty unless he can get 17 Democrats plus Amash to vote with him. I don’t see how he could do that.
I call my Representative E. Slotkin triple chin when I email her. Pretty sure her staff has me on as spam as she quit replying to me with her cia and military background bullschiff. She’s a oblunder sucker and a fat tyrant wannabe.
Let me guess which way the wind is blowing….
Don’t ant to flop too late when it’s already a done deal.
We all know both parties are being hypocrites to their 2016 positions.
Collins could be the only Senator who can vote in 2020 and not be a hypocrite. Back in 2016, she publicly declared her support for a vote for Merrick Garland. She can honestly say she was in favor of an up or down vote for Merick Garland in 2016 and she is being consistent with that position today.
No, the Republicans are not being hypocrites. In 2016 you had a Republican majority in the Senate just as we do now. 2016 was also an election year. The difference is that in 2016 we had a Democrat in the White house. Not only that, but he was not eligible for reelection. Given these facts, why would a Republican majority leader hold a confirmation in 2016 and why would he not hold one in 2020?
It’s called “strategy”. Nothing hypocritical about that.
No, they’re not. The Republicans are being completely consistent. They never claimed they had a duty to hold the seat open, just that they had the right to do so, and that no senate majority in their position had acted otherwise in over a century. And they were right. Now the circumstances are completely different and they’re saying they have the right to proceed, and again they’re right.
I don’t think the Dems are being hypocrites either. They would be if it were early in the year, but with less than two months to the election it’s completely reasonable for them to call on the senate to keep the seat open. And it’s just as reasonable for the senate to say no.
Feinstein played her like a fiddle with Kavanaugh. Pretending to share “disturbing” information, asking for her help, and all the other psychological ploys necessary to neutralize her vote.
Murkowski, this is your chance to get back at her.
Dems are worried about feinswine. She’s 87 and is getting frailer by the day. They don’t think she’s up to handling this nomination process.
Murkowski is a dweeb.
Always work to disappoint Marxists.
Her polling back home must have been abysmal for her to flip flop like that.
Was never good with me. Installed by her Daddy, Frank.
Every single time it comes down to the wire, Morkowski holds the Republicans Hostage.
This may be the only example of an exception we ever get.
This brings up a disturbing (to Schumer) possibility: What if several Democrat Senators vote for this minority female Trump nominee? Suppose like Lagoa did in her first nomination, a large number of Dem Senators support her, and *Murkowski* gets stuck with her previous statement of opposition.
She doesn’t dare risk that. She’s supposed to be the ‘comforting moderating voice’ in the Senate (a polite term for ‘squish’). So she’s carefully placing herself in the middle of the road, hoping that traffic stays away from the yellow line.
Once it’s safe to stab Trump in the back, she will. But until then, she has to do a balancing act.
Any Republican who stands in the way of this once in a life time opportunity to replace Ginsburg with a conservative will live in infamy. This will especially be true should Trump lose and someone as bad, if not worse than Ginsburg is chosen. Any Republican who caused that to happen will be considered worse than Benedict Arnold.
She can do her balancing act until the circus closes, but remember: Even the Flying Wallendas fell.
Levin last night had a lot on that precedent that isn’t one.
I have said a lot of negative things about McConnell but, when it comes to the judicial appointments, he’s been a master at helping Trump. These appointments will have the longest effect from Trumps Presidency. 4 more years and the judiciary will be full of Constitutionalists
The vinegar from lending credibility to the Kavanaugh charades is probably still in her mouth. Knowing that it’s going to be a woman and that they will pull the same BS…
Also Collins will look and feel like a monster when that happens and she stands by.
Can’t wait to see crazy Hirono get the microphone.
Fun fact: Murkowski has won election to the US Senate 3 times – but never with a majority.
Well, they have ranked voting on the ballot in ALaska now, so it’s pretty sure we will never again seat a Republican.
Hate to see this.
( Murkowski doesn’t really qualify as a Republican, she just fly’s the flag )
As I said, with the *possible* exception of Sen. Collins, opposing a Trump nominee does not help a GOP Senator. Looks like the senator from Alaska figured that out.
What a coward quisling.
Internal polls must have been SAVAGE for her to backtrack so quickly.
Another example of an elected official who doesn’t give a damn about representing her constituents. She’s more interested in playing politics. Saying she will be voting “No” because of the timing is malfeasance. Vote on the nominee’s qualifications, not on a pending election date.
Leaving Collins out to dry? What else can you expect when you trust a careerist swamp dweller like Murkowski? Way to go Alaska. You are what you vote for.
If she votes against, or abstains, she will not be reelected.
Same for Collins. Collins may lose anyway, but if she were to support the nomination and vote for the nominee she might have a chance. Vote no/abstain, not many R votes will show up guaranteeing a loss.
but she said the quality of the confirmation process would be a factor.
Is that her out? When Democrats pull the same routine, as Bork, and Thomas, and Alito, and Kavanaugh, she can say the process was less than honest so she is voting FOR President Trumps nominee, as a vote of protest against a less than honest effort by Democrats.
I would love to hear her explain her vote against Kavanaugh today, with someone like Joe Rogen asking followup questions.
Yeah, she always talks out of both sides of her mouth.
For the first couple of years of President Trumps term, Republicans could object to President Trump, and hide behind the excuse, that he probably was a Trojan Horse, and was going to govern like the Democrat he was until of late.
But today, to sabotage President Trump is to fully support the Democrat agenda. I would love to be able to explain that to Never Trumpers
That is one angry, ugly woman.
“Which leaves Sen. Collins standing in the middle on her own.”
“…in a muddle (mud puddle) on her own.”
Murkowski and Romney only agreed to have a vote, they did not agree to confirm. Don’t be fooled by their games.
“Cocaine Mitch” …and the horse you rode in on.
“Weather Vane” Murkowski turns with the winds of the polls and the confused comments on social media and decides she’ll “think about” voting for President Trump’s POTUS nominee.WTF is with the state party and Republican voters in Alaska? Can’t they find a Conservative to run for “Murky’s” seat?