Delaware State University Disputes Biden Claim That He ‘Got Started’ There


This is the type of thing that the media can very easily confirm with a fact check. Will they?

The New York Post reports:

Delaware State University denies Biden was a student after claim he ‘got started’ thereDelaware State University has denied that Joe Biden has ever been a student there — after the presidential candidate’s claim that he “got started” at the historically black college.The 77-year-old Democrat made his claim while praising historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) during a town hall event last October before the South Carolina Democratic primary, video shows.“I got started out of a HBCU, Delaware State,” he told pupils at Wilson High School in Florence, which was founded in 1866 by the Freedmen’s Bureau for Black children seeking an education.“Now, I don’t want to hear anything negative about Delaware State. They’re my folks,” he told the pupils to chuckles.However, the politician’s claim came back to haunt him when the university said he had only been a commencement speaker there decades after his start in politics.“Vice President Biden did not attend DSU,” the college’s director of news service, Carlos Holmes, told The Washington Times.Instead, he was only a commencement keynote speaker in 2003 and 2016 — a far cry from the start of the political career for Biden, who has been a Senator for Delaware since 1973.He was “awarded an honorary doctoral degree” but was never a student, Holmes stressed.

Tags: College Insurrection, Delaware, Joe Biden