Debate Transcript Shows Trump Did Not “Refuse to Denounce” White Supremacists, Contrary to Media Narrative

The left and media claim President Donald Trump refused to denounce white supremacy.

The debate transcript tells a different story.

As Emily Jashinsky at The Federalist noted, you can have issues with how Trump handled the question.

After he said “sure” I think he should have expanded on the answer. But you cannot change the definition of “sure.” Chris Wallace asked Trump if he was willing to condemn white supremacy. Trump said “sure.”

Then Trump said, “Yes, I am willing to do it.”

Trump said “sure” and “yes.” Therefore he answered the question. Should he have gone further? Yes.

But do not misinform people about his answer. Saying “willing” does not mean Trump “refused” to condemn white supremacy.

The left and media’s interpretation of Trump’s “stand back and stand by” comment about the Proud Boys are not facts. It’s an opinion and not fact.

I can see how they interpret it as an encouragement to the Proud Boys. Trump probably should have stopped at “stand back” but he did not. But again, their perception is not fact.

The Trump War Room Twitter account tweeted out the times Trump has condemned white supremacy.


Tags: 2020 Presidential Debates, 2020 Presidential Election