Turkey’s Erdogan Converts Another Historic Church Into Mosque
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Turkey’s Erdogan Converts Another Historic Church Into Mosque

Turkey’s Erdogan Converts Another Historic Church Into Mosque

Istanbul’s historic Church of the Holy Savior in Chora turned into mosque by presidential order, not long after Ergodan did the same thing to Hagia Sophia


Less than a month after converting the Hagia Sophia cathedral into a mosque, Turkey is moving ahead with its campaign to erase the country’s Christian past. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday ordered the conversion of Istanbul’s Church of the Holy Savior in Chora, or Kariye, to a Muslim place of worship. 

The move comes after Erdogan on July 24  personally led first prayers at Hagia Sophia, marking the turning of the 1500-year-old cathedral into a mosque. Turkey’s top imam carried an Ottoman sword to the pulpit at the ceremony, symbolizing the victory of Islam over the Christian Byzantine Empire. 

The sixth century Greek Orthodox church, preserved as a museum for its elaborate mosaics and frescoes, will now serve as a mosque by presidential decree. The church, much like the Hagia Sophia, fell into the Muslim hands when Constantinople, today’s Istanbul, was sacked by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. It was turned into a museum after Turkey’s secularist leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk took power in 1925, as he disbanded Istanbul-based global Islamic caliphate and set out to modernize the country.

Greek newspaper Kathimerini reported the loss of another holy Christian site:  

After Hagia Sophia, Turkish authorities issued a new presidential decree on Friday morning to re-convert the Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora into a mosque.

The change in its status was passed in December 2019 but the decision of the State Council of Turkey had not been implemented, until today.

Chora, which had been turned into the Kariye Museum after WWII and was then extensively restored, is covered with some of the finest Byzantine mosaics and frescoes.

Originally built in the 4th century, the church was comprehensively rebuilt around 1077-81 and again after a partial collapse following an earthquake early in the 12th century.

The church is registered as an Unesco heritage site.

Erasing Turkey’s history is another step in Erdogan’s drive to Islamize the country on which he embarked after taking power in 2003.  Turkish authorities under his watch have been seizing Christian properties, including historic monasteries, cemeteries, and churches. 

While erasing Christianity at home, Erdogan’s has repeatedly threatened to flood Europe with uncontrolled Muslim migration. In March, he encouraged illegal migrants to cross into neighboring Greece, declaring he had “opened the doors” for them to enter Europe. 

Most of the European and Western government are yet to respond to Erdogan’s latest outrage. The European Union’s foreign policy spokesperson merely declared that the bloc had ‘recorded’ Turkey’s decision. Brussels did not take any serious action against Turkey after it appropriated the Hagia Sophia for Islamic worship last month. The Muslim-majority country is being considered by the EU for a full membership of the bloc since 2005. 

The sharpest reaction came from neighboring Greece. The Greek foreign ministry condemned Turkish decision as “completely reprehensible”  and “provocation for religious people everywhere and for the international community that respects the monuments of human civilization.” 

Last month, the head of the Greek Orthodox Church, Archbishop Ieronymos, had called for ‘day of mourning’ to mark the loss of the Hagia Sophia. Turkey had carried out an “unholy act of sacrilege” against a “holy spiritual center for our Orthodox faith, of Christianity in general,” the patriarch said at that time.

Pope Francis ‘deeply saddened’ by conversion of Hagia Sophia into mosque


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Erdogan is a piker compared to the fascists in the United States:

L.A. to Close Hollywood Boulevard to Install LGBT-Themed ‘All Black Lives Matter’ Mural:

Take a step back: does everyone realize what is happening in the United States – and the parallels to the events in Weimar Germany? All that’s missing from these ‘blm’ slogans is the swastika.

JackinSilverSpring | August 23, 2020 at 2:46 pm

Imagine if France converted a mosque into a church. The Muslims around the world would go bat-sh** crazy.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to JackinSilverSpring. | August 23, 2020 at 2:52 pm

    You mean they aren’t already???????????

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to JackinSilverSpring. | August 23, 2020 at 3:20 pm

    I will get a storm of downticks for this but here goes: show me a Christian group willing to try it. None exist. There will not be another Crusade.

      That was before Islam had a following of 1+ billion. Still, totaling all Christianity … this would be a match up but who to lead is the question? NOT the present Pope and NOT the present (worldly) Roman Catholic Church… that is for sure. The First Crusade was a truly righteous endeavor.

      So no downtick.

Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform has consequences. I wonder how many societies remember, perhaps respect, the monuments of times and people past.

They will destroy the art works.

JusticeDelivered | August 23, 2020 at 3:13 pm

How about the West start using these actions as an excuse to expel Muslims from our territories and turn their mosques into museums documenting the nature of barbarian Muhammad and his followers?

May is suggest we start with Dearborn, better the whole state of Michigan?

Time for the next Crusade?

Read Robert Spencer’s History of Jihad and you will see they are serious.

    Vijeta Uniyal in reply to Skip. | August 23, 2020 at 3:47 pm

    Robert is a great source on this. He often reprints my posts which I consider an honor.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to Vijeta Uniyal. | August 23, 2020 at 5:25 pm

      I enjoy your comments, and in large part agree with them.

      Vijeta Uniyal in reply to Vijeta Uniyal. | August 23, 2020 at 6:07 pm

      Thank you. That means a lot to me.

      OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to Vijeta Uniyal. | August 23, 2020 at 8:25 pm

      I am listening to Robert Spencer as I type. I just noticed that he indicated that not many, if any at all, islamic entities outright condemn violence in the name of jihad. I find the correlation to the Left and the U.S. Democrat party not condemning the violence of Antifa/BLM sadly similar.

    So are the communist leaders of the blm and antifa movements.

    People are deaf – even many conservatives (they still read the swamp news and take it seriously).

    Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.

    BLM, ANTIFA, and the “New” Face of Communism:

      Over 1500 years Islam has marched forward, rarely retreating, Communism in a hunded gets a foothold only to lose it as its not sustainable

        JusticeDelivered in reply to Skip. | August 23, 2020 at 5:38 pm

        I believe that Islam is a cult, with 5 brainwashing sessions a day.

        If it was just a religion, I might be a bit more tolerant.

        Rolling in law and government makes the package completely unacceptable. Their expectation that we should be tolerant, while they are not, is unreasonable. Their demands that we accept them while they kill or otherwise drive out other religions, is unacceptable.

        When I look at how they conduct themselves in other host countries, I see a big red flag.

        In one century, communism killed more of their OWN citizens than islam has in 1,500 years.

        In any event the left is aligned with radical islam. If they ever win (over our dead bodies), then go to war with one another.

    OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to Skip. | August 23, 2020 at 5:43 pm

    Typical totalinarialist approach: What’s mine in mine, and what’s yours is negotiable. And once you lost it, you rarely get it back.

I’ve lost my tolerance. No more benefit of the doubt bestowed upon groups that have pissed me off. We are picking sides now.

RE: ‘ackinSilverSpring | August 23, 2020 at 2:46 pm
Imagine if France converted a mosque into a church. The Muslims around the world would go bat-sh** crazy.’

and: ‘The Friendly Grizzly | August 23, 2020 at 3:20 pm
I will get a storm of downticks for this but here goes: show me a Christian group willing to try it. None exist. There will not be another Crusade.’

Well, “Grizzly”, you see, back then your own government didn’t vilify, bankrupt, and jail you for speaking truth!

Also, back then the Crusades were substantially in the hands of the ‘government’:

Byzantine emperor, Alexios I Komnenos.
Kings Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany.
Holy Roman (German) Emperor Frederick I & Richard the Lion Heart.
Theobald III of Champagne, Louis I of Blois, Baldwin I Count of Flanders.

This has been happening for years in Turkey

Ayasofya Camii in Trabzon was an 11th C Greek Orthodox Church. I saw it as they started to convert it

1000 year old frescos being plastered over. The destruction of history. The conversion was a desecration.

It’s the same as always with this stuff …

BierceAmbrose | August 23, 2020 at 5:12 pm

“Pluralism” — They’ll take over anybody’s places n symbols: they’re not picky.

Can you imagine what would happen if Israel did the same thing to the Muslim shrines (Al Aksa mosque and Dome of the Rock) located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem?

Erasing Turkey’s history is another step in Erdogan’s drive to Islamize the country on which he embarked after taking power in 2003.

Islam has a word for this: jahiliyyah, the period of pre-Islamic ignorance. Generally, all such artifacts are to be destroyed by the Caliph. It is the reason the Bamiyan Buddhas were destroyed.

    Vijeta Uniyal in reply to randian. | August 24, 2020 at 6:06 am

    Terrifyingly similar to what the Bolshevik and the Maoists did. Purging every trace, every memory of the past.

Erdogan sees himself the “rightful Caliph” of the Muslim Empire (a la “Turkish Ottoman”).

The “Population Jihad” has been taking place in the EU for over a decade now. Soon, through massive birth rates (where western culture isn’t anywhere near “replacement birth rates” for the judeo/christian culture to have a hope of surviving), and suckling off the socialist/welfare states of the EU – Muslims will outnumber “western civilization” in less than a decade. They will take over all of Europe in less than a decade, without firing a shot.

This is standard “islamic doctrine”. It was also the doctrine of The Nation Of Islam in this country back in the day.

Carrying a sword to the pulpit…There’s the “Religion of Peace” for you.