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Students at Various Schools Demand Tuition Cuts as Schools Pivot to Online Learning

Students at Various Schools Demand Tuition Cuts as Schools Pivot to Online Learning

“controversies immediately plagued reopening plans as freshmen classes at several schools ignored quarantine and distance rules”

This is one instance where student demands make sense. Why should they pay the same tuition for online classes?

FOX News reports:

Students demand tuition cuts as more colleges pivot to virtual learning

Students at dozens of universities have circulated petitions demanding a reduction in tuition, with more schools switching to online teaching or entirely abandoning plans to reopen in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Schools have recently started to accept new students back, but controversies immediately plagued reopening plans as freshmen classes at several schools ignored quarantine and distance rules.

Purdue, Syracuse and UConn administrations all suspended students over such violations, usually due to a large party – typical of any incoming freshman class.

As coronavirus cases surge in some states, other schools have been forced to reconsider reopening plans. Ithaca College and Michigan State backtracked on initial plans after seeing how some schools struggled to handle safety concerns, with both schools opting for online-only classes.

“Given the current status of the virus in our country — particularly what we are seeing at other institutions as they re-populate their campus communities — it has become evident to me that, despite our best efforts and strong planning, it is unlikely we can prevent widespread transmission of COVID-19 between students if our undergraduates return to campus,” President Samuel L. Stanley said in a news release on the Michigan State website.


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Blame our litigious society. You can’t even have people sign a waiver to get past litigation any more because it could be “coerced” (coerced meaning because the person really wanted the outcome, they signed it without debating the consequences of their actions).

Also, the student demand may have merit, but they also have the option to transfer or take a year off.

caseoftheblues | August 23, 2020 at 9:21 pm

Take a year off yes….transfer and you lose the scholarships and financial aid packages that get awarded to incoming freshman when the schools are competing for the students they want.