Other than some of the key speeches, I skipped most of the live coverage of the Democrat National Convention. When I tried to watch, it was unbearable, like watching a never-ending public service announcement from the Ad Council.
So I missed the live coverage of “Michael from Rhode Island” presented by the DNC as a “longstanding Republican for a long time” who is voting for Biden.
Apparently Michael was featured throughout the convention:
Michael sent a thrill running up Democrat and Repubican #NeverTrump legs:
Rhode Island is a small state. People know people. And legendary Rhode Island talk show host John DePetro knows people. And he sniffed out that “Michael from Rhode Island” wasn’t what he seemed.
DePetro reported at his website, Video : Fraud DNC: Michael from Rhode Island is a registered Democrat not Republican:
All week the DNC has run a video of people supporting Joe Biden. One is identified as ” Michael from Rhode Island a long-standing Republican” now voting for Biden. Who is this long-standing Republican? He is town of Foster electrical inspector Michael Paolucci. His voting record speaks for itself: 4 out of 5 primaries he has voted as a Democrat. No wonder he appears each night during the DNC not using his last name since he is a registered Democrat.
DePetro provided images of “Michael’s” voter registrations and records.
Other local reporters are now jumping on DePetro’s scoop, and confirming that Michael is not the “longstanding Republican” presented at the DNC, unless by “longstanding Republican” you mean someone who has mostly been and voted Democrat in recent years.
The Providence Journal further reports, ‘Longstanding Republican’ Michael from Rhode Island says he’s switched back and forth between parties:
His video made it on air, where he was identified solely as long-standing Republican “Michael from Rhode Island.” Hers did not.And his moment of fame earned him a ding from radio talk-show host and Republican cheerleader John DePetro, who ran a piece on his website titled “Fraud…Michael from Rhode Island is a registered Democrat not Republican.” …Paolucci confirmed he is currently registered as a Democrat — and has been on and off.More specifically: He has been registered as a Democrat since May 5, 2020. He was unaffiliated until changing to Democrat. Previous to that, his party history was Republican (until June 22, 2018), Unaffiliated (until April 26, 2016), Republican (until December 23, 2014), Democrat (until October 6, 2014) and previously, unaffiliated, according to the secretary of state’s office..Paolucci said his votes, as a Democrat, in four of the last five primary elections in Rhode Island reflect the realities in a Democrat-dominated state even though he has considered himself a Republican since the Reagan-era.
Maybe the DNC should have presented Michael as “mostly Democrat voter Michael from Rhode Island” will be voting Biden — but that would not have had much impact.