Media Melts Down Over Sturgis Bike Week, Forgets They Gave BLM and Antifa a Virus Pass

There they go again. The leftwing, its media and social media activists, are melting down over this week’s annual Sturgis bike rally.  Wuhan coronavirus, they alarm—completely aware that they have been excusing BLM and antifa riots, looting, vandalism, arson, murder, and mayhem for months now—is suddenly a huge threat to public health.

Rallies for me, but not for thee.

In its 80th year, the Sturgis bike rally is a tradition, a bit of Americana that still survives the leftist onslaught against out nation’s culture and heritage.  Sure, some in attendance may be affiliated with outlaw biker organizations, but many are just bike enthusiasts and hangers on (and wannabes).

Sturgis is one of the times each year when bike enthusiasts gather, and it’s just too much for the radical left intent on stomping out any and all behavior they do not condone and cannot control.

The left’s hysteria and hypocrisy are rampant.  How dare they rally when coronavirus is a pandemic and who cares about the months-long rallying of BLM and antifa?  Hardly the same thing at all since Sturgis will spike Wuhan coronavirus cases, while the “mostly peaceful” rioting, vandalism, arson, murder, and mayhem were exempted from coronavirus infection. Or something.

Wait, aren’t they wearing masks? (via Twitchy):

Imagine these tweets in response to the wide-spread BLM protests:

The most priceless of all tweets, possibly evah:

That’s a bad idea.  Really bad.  Antifa v. bikers at Sturgis?  My money’s on the bikers.  Every dime.

Then there are those in favor of Sturgis:

Someone is near to getting a clue about how this pandemic panic-porn works:

The answer appears beyond his grasp because he’s not asking why BLM protests and riots are permitted.  It’s pretty simple: lockdown every American patriot and let free only those anti-American rioters who seek our country’s destruction.

That’s the only way to explain the in-our-face double-standard.  Sturgis isn’t a Trump rally or a rally for any political candidate or cause; it’s just a biker thing, they do it every year, and the only reason it’s a problem now is that they are deemed to engage in “wrong think.”

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: Colorado, Media Bias, Wuhan Coronavirus