Many Colleges Rethinking Plans to Open Campuses in the Fall Due to Coronavirus

This is going to be such a mess. Students are going to have to make back-up plans in case schools change their policy at the last minute.

Forbes reports:

More Colleges Revise Fall Plans. Among The Latest: American University, Penn, William And Mary, And Ohio UniversityAugust is traditionally the month when colleges begin to welcome new and returning students to campus. It’s one of the most upbeat moments in the rhythm of the academic calendar – novel, noisy, and nervous. This year, however, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage, August is more likely to be remembered as the month when colleges went eerily silent, forced to accept the reality that not only has the virus not receded enough to allow safe re-openings of campus, its transmission has surged once again.The result? A daily drumbeat of announcements from colleges – large and small, public and private, on the coasts and in the heartland – that they are postponing opening dates, converting from in-person to on-line instruction, or limiting how many students could be on campus.Early last week, several major universities, including Duke, Miami University, West Virginia, Washington State, and George Washington, announced they were pulling back from their original reopening plans. By week’s end, several more institutions revealed they were also revising their approach.

Tags: College Insurrection, Wuhan Coronavirus