Cat Fight! AOC fights John Kasich to be voice of Democrats at Convention
They are each calling the other an extremist.

The Democratic National (Online) Convention is off to a great start.
AOC, relogated to a one-minute pre-taped statement, is upset that John “Pay Attention to Me” Kasich is getting more time. And Kasich is scratching back at AOC.
Business Insider reports:
Shortly before both are slated to speak at the Democratic National Convention, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called John Kasich “an anti-choice extremist” in response to an interview in which the former Republican governor from Ohio criticized the congresswoman.
Kasich, who toyed with a 2020 primary challenge against Trump, told Buzzfeed News in a story published Monday that Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t represent the Democratic party and that her voice is exaggerated by the media.
“People on the extreme, whether they’re on the left or on the right, they get outsized publicity that tends to define their party,” said Kasich, who was given a prime time speaking slot during Monday night’s convention events. “You know, I listen to people all the time make these statements, and because AOC gets outsized publicity doesn’t mean she represents the Democratic Party. She’s just a part, just some member of it.” ….
This comes after Business Insider reported that Ocasio-Cortez will have just 60 seconds to speak at the convention on Tuesday evening. Many progressives are frustrated that a conservative like Kasich, and many less influential moderate Democrats, will get more facetime at the Democratic events than the uber-famous New Yorker will.
Ocasio-Cortez hit back at Kasich in a set of tweets on Monday, arguing that while she hopes Kasich convinces other Republicans to vote for Biden, he’s “an anti-choice extremist” and “is not a friend to workers.”
We can build bridges & not lose sight of our values.
It’s important to remember that Kasich is an anti-choice extremist. He 100% will (and has) signed away our reproductive rights the moment he has the opportunity to do so. He is not a friend to workers.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 17, 2020
Don’t ya just hate when this happens?

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Pair off all the DNC acolytes. Let the dopes in each pair destroy one another.
It might not be exactly progressive, but it would represent real progress for our country!
AOC hopes that Kasich can reach GOP voters. I guess that explains why he is now talking to democrats.
If AOC were to give her talk topless…..
We’d see her Castro tattoo?
We might get to see the scars from her boob job.
In her case, the boob job involved a couple of cranial trephinations.
For some reason I’m not as enthusiastic about supper as I was before I saw this.
Now where did I see those Tums …?
The ultimate Chatty Catty Karen. Sandy O….Che is dead…get over it!
don’t forget to mute the volume and you have a deal!
there is plenty of time for both you useful idiots to get attention
What’s the over-under on how many times Catshit announces his dad was a mailman?
I predict at LEAST five.
Kasich skipped the 2016 Republican Convention in Ohio even though the was the host Governor. Now he is speaking at the 2020 Democrat confab. He does not sound like a Republican to me.
It’s a pity, because he used to be the real deal. Had he won the presidency in 2000 I think he would have been a good president. But something bad has happened to his soul since then.
like Romney. somehow losing the presidency when it is “your turn” makes a person bitter.
actually, let’s add Gore and Hillary to that list. And McCain.
AOC, dear, you’re now learning that when primetime coverage of a nominating convention is now down to an hour on NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox, be grateful you’re getting 60 seconds. There are plenty of people who could have filled speaking slots during those hours but are being relegated to other times, and they aren’t complaining.
Just because you get lots of media attention doesn’t mean the convention organizers think you’d be useful for their purposes.
Sorry, an hour each night M-Th.
I never thought I’d say this, I understand where AOC is coming from. Kasich, a ‘Republican’, getting more time then her at the DNC? Not that I want to hear a thing she says, but it her crappy little get together – not his.
With Kasich, it’s “I’m a Republican and this is why I think Trump is bad, so if you’re a Republican and have doubts about him, it’s OK.” Plus I’m sure his speech will have a section about USPS, given he’s the son of a mailman and likes to mention that frequently. The rest of the speeches during the hour will be the standard red-meat throwing to the base you usually see at convention speeches.
Tomorrow it’s Sally Yates.
Wednesday and Thursday are all Dem pols.
Also, with respect to AOC, Michelle Obama isn’t even getting one of the primo primetime spots.
Don’t think the GOP hasn’t gone the “I’m a Democrat and I’m not voting for the Dem candidate” speech route. Zell Miller in 2004 was legendary, not just for his speech but then for going at it with Chris Matthews afterward.
IIRC didnt AOC stiff the party on some dues or something like that? And Kasich probably paid his.
“a conservative like Kasich”
This is why I never read Business Insider. They hook words together so they look like sentences, but they have no meaning.
I can do it too:
“a vegetable like argon”
“an airplane like basalt”
“a genius like Biden”
“a deep thinker like AOC”
Sanctimonious, elf-righteous people like Kasich and Romney are always the biggest hypocrites and frauds.
Elfs are definitely more righteous than orcs.
But Kasich/Denethor and Romney/Saruman would never admit that, so I must conclude it was a typo on your part.
He 100% will (and has) signed away our reproductive rights the moment he has the opportunity to do so.
Actually the reproductive choice was already made to have unprotected sex aoc.
The real choice is do you murder your unborn child or take it to birth.
I can’t decide which one of them is punching down.
Son of Postman is so radical. How radical is he? He shows up to speak at a different party’s convention.
“It’s important to remember that Kasich is an anti-choice extremist.”
Really? Kasich is already “growing and maturing” on the issue of abortion:
Give it another year or so, and Kasich will be marching in lockstep with Planned Parenthood.
Second to the debate season, the next 3 nights have all the makings of a slug fest.
And that’s why DNC put AOC at the kids table – because she can’t be trusted to stay on focus, and because she is vengeful.
Kasich is not far from being Biden. He is not exactly an eloquent speaker and his command of the facts is about the same. So for him to be sparring with AOC for party leadership tells us how utterly absurd the Democrat Socialist Party has become. They aren’t exactly sending out a laser-like message other than “We will say anything and when that doesn’t work, VIOLENCE!
The Dems are all about control. So it’s very odd for the DNC to have lost control of the convention. Why is a child like AOC speaking at all? The Dems know what dues are, and she’s many years away from having paid hers.
When Democrats engage ina circular Firing-Squad, who wins?
America, of course!
…And NO, Kasich ain’t a Republican, thanks.
More like a cat and rat fight.
Paraphrasing Kissinger – can they both lose?
That son of a mailman should just shut his yap. He’s an embarassment to all Buckeyes.