UW-Madison Prof: Unlikely That Conservative Would be Hired Under Minority Recruitment Program

In higher education, diversity is based on how people look, not how they think.

The College Fix reports:

UW-Madison prof: ‘next to no chance’ conservative could be hired via minority recruitment programWhile a minority hiring program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison values skin color, there is less value placed on political minorities of color on the right.There is “next to no chance” that a conservative faculty member could be hired through a program meant to attract minority faculty to the school, a University of Wisconsin-Madison political science professor told The College Fix.“We nominated what appeared to be a conservative African American political theorist last year, but that proposition didn’t even make it out of the college,” Associate Professor of Political Theory Richard Avramenko told The Fix via email.“My guess is that if the candidate is not working on Race and Ethnic Studies, Critical Theory (i.e., cultural Marxism), post-colonialism, or ‘The Problem of Whiteness,’ s/he would not make the cut.”“The program is set up to ensure that any hire, even if not a minority him or herself, would be working in this vein,” Avramenko said.The candidate, who earned his Ph.D. in 2020, has gone on to teach at another Midwestern university. He declined to comment to The College Fix.The $2 million Target of Opportunity program, or TOP, allows UW-Madison to identify faculty who, according to the school’s website, would “add diversity to our campus community.” Between 2018 and 2020, UW-Madison hired 25 individuals who met the requirements for the program.While several white women were hired under the program, no white men were hired.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Wisconsin