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U. Pittsburgh ‘Black Senate’ Demands Segregated Space “Solely for Black Students to Congregate”

U. Pittsburgh ‘Black Senate’ Demands Segregated Space “Solely for Black Students to Congregate”

Long list of Demands also includes severing ties with Pittsburgh Police Dept: “Each day we find ourselves overcompensating to make up for the University’s failures at combating racism on campus, in the classroom, and amongst students.”

Some student activists at various schools are recognizing current trends and are taking advantage of the situation. At the University of Pittsburgh, a coalition of black student activists has put together a list of demands.

The demands range from curriculum to hiring and firing policies.

Chrissy Clark of the Washington Free Beacon notes the impact on free speech:

Students Demand Pitt Eliminate Free Speech Protections

Activists are demanding that the University of Pittsburgh fire any employee deemed racist or discriminatory by students, a move that First Amendment advocates say amounts to the elimination of academic freedom.

Black Pitt, a coalition of black student groups, is demanding that the university fire any employee dubbed “racist” by a black-only student council and end employee speech immunity, a core principle of academic freedom and First Amendment protections for academics at public universities.

“Faculty and staff with one incident or complaint of racial bias, excessive force, or unlawful arrest/detainment should be terminated and banned from the University campus immediately if found at fault,” the letter reads. “During the time of the investigation, the faculty/staff should be disclosed by name and banned from the University campus until its completion.”

There is much more to this, however.

Their letter begins:

To Whom It May Concern,

The following document consists of an action plan curated by the undergraduate, Black student leaders of the University of Pittsburgh. As members of the Pitt community, we are exhausted mentally, physically, as well as emotionally. Each day we find ourselves overcompensating to make up for the University’s failures at combating racism on campus, in the classroom, and amongst students. In light of recent events, we find ourselves at a pivotal point in time. A point in which change must occur in order for the University to progress forward. A point at which the University must take a stance in solidarity alongside its Black students. A point in which the University must reflect and examine its own racist foundation as well as the impacts of systemic racism on business matters and everyday duties at the University of Pittsburgh.

The letter makes demands on the curriculum:

Transform the mission of the focus of our academic curriculum to be inclusive and comprehensive regarding the plight and triumphs of Black people. The first step in appreciating the Black experience, whether as members of the community, allies, or bystanders, is educating one another. Changes in current curriculums, and introducing new courses to the University will allow opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to fully understand the history of Black people. Beyond this, members of the University will be officially informed of how to recognize and call out prejudice, racism, bigotry, etc., in their own thoughts and actions in order to prevent a situation where they are consciously or unconsciously acting on it.

Establish both a Masters and PhD Program in Black Studies/Africana Studies. The National Council of Black Studies states that as of 2020, 20 colleges offer a master program for Black Studies and 19 colleges offer a doctoral program for Black Studies.

Mandatory race-based training for faculty:

All faculty and staff must undergo three (3) training sessions a year (before the start of each new academic session) that cover topics on racial biases, microaggressions, micro-assaults, and equity. Faculty and staff with implicit biases can directly impact opportunities for students of color. All faculty and staff need to be trained on how to properly interact with students from different backgrounds. In order to teach for the semester faculty would need to pass these trainings and receive a certificate of completion.

They want to influence employment policy:

Terminate the employment of racist and/or discriminatory employees on campus. Students should be allowed to submit formal complaints when they experience racial bias by University of Pittsburgh faculty and staff. These complaints should be investigated by the People’s Voice committee. Additionally, the OMET survey should contain questions pertaining to the professor’s ability to interact with students from different backgrounds and strength in creating an inclusive learning environment.

Segregated areas for black students only:

Create a space, aside from the BAS office in the William Pitt Union, on campus solely for Black students to congregate. The Black student body would prefer a location in Posvar to keep us connected to the Africana and African Studies Department.

They want the school to sever ties to the Pittsburgh Police Department:

Sever ties with Pittsburgh City Police Department (for outside events not tied to the University) to actively ensure the protection of Black faculty and students. The University of Pittsburgh Police Department should sever ties with the City of Pittsburgh Police Department for all on campus events and activities which includes terminating any and all contracts with current or former City of Pittsburgh police officers for sporting events, concerts, housing security, and emergency management. Please note that we have not suggested any racial bias training or remediation curriculum because reforming racists has not proven effective. It is not our goal to invest time and resources in changing the minds of racists who have chosen to remain ignorant and a danger to our campus, but to expel them from our community.

You can read the entire document here (archived).

It’s funny, their letter began with them saying they are exhausted. So am I, after reading it.

Featured image via YouTube.


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legacyrepublican | July 8, 2020 at 3:09 pm

I guess you could call their policy, “Separate but fecal.”

Because it is pure BS!

    JusticeDelivered in reply to legacyrepublican. | July 8, 2020 at 4:02 pm

    The only effective way to combat racism on UP campus is to expel all black racists.

    History has come full circle, bald faced black racism reigns supreme. It is time to give them the same treatment we gave to the KKK.

    I did not like what was done to blacks during the fifties and earlier. I also do not like blacks current conduct.

    Everyone deserves a chance to succeed, that means by them working for success. This shit of handing out degrees to incompetents, just because they happen to be black, has to stop.

    Kill all affirmative action handouts. Implement end of degree competency testing to weed out those who do not deserve degrees. All employers should implement competency testing to ensure that they are getting what they are paying for. Allow employers to discharge underperforming people who cannot pass competency testing without any liability.

    These measures could put things right,and would expose the scope of affirmative fraud which has been perpetuated on society.

    Show blacks, and everyone else which lives matter, and why they matter, or may not matter as much.

    SlothB77 in reply to legacyrepublican. | July 8, 2020 at 10:20 pm

    As Terry Crews says, don’t let Black Lives Matter become Black Lives Better.

fine. I am tired of it all.
lets jim crow this bi*ch.

Segregation now, segregation forever. George Wallace smiles.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to coregis. | July 8, 2020 at 4:40 pm

    Expect Wallace repented and changed.

    Something leftists refuse to do.

      The Friendly Grizzly in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | July 9, 2020 at 4:22 am

      He wanted votes. Wallave was just as much a pandering political animal as anyone.

        The account I read was of Wallace once out of office, and repentance and regret and apology sounded pretty sincere. This at a time when he wasn’t pursuing votes and pandering.

        No, Grizz, he was in declining health when he asked forgiveness for his past actions. As an Alabamian, I had a close-up-and-personal view of Wallace both during his terms as governor (and Lurleen’s) and afterward. There was no reason to think he wasn’t sincere in his contrition.

    lc in reply to coregis. | July 8, 2020 at 8:17 pm

    Basically: “Hey, hey. We want our own black university!”
    They could have saved everyone a whole lot of trouble and just gone to an historically black college.

    persecutor in reply to coregis. | July 9, 2020 at 1:13 pm

    Historically, segregation is a Democrat policy and tradition…..Robert Byrd, John Stennis, Richard Russell and a cast of thousand applaud.

I wonder if anyone has mentioned to the Black Hole or Black Pitt or whatever they’re calling themselves that they are embracing the spirit of George Wallace?

“Segregation Now; Segregation Forever…”

If all they want is to hang out with other blacks, why did they leave the hood?

The Friendly Grizzly | July 8, 2020 at 3:42 pm

Why did their parents and grandparents demand desegregation?

It does appear that a Doonesbury strip from 1993 is now appropriate:

    Milhouse in reply to SkyCaptain. | July 8, 2020 at 3:50 pm

    That’s actually a great idea. If the university administration were at all interested in responding rationally to this garbage, their reply should be “Would you like your own water fountains too?”

      JusticeDelivered in reply to Milhouse. | July 8, 2020 at 4:19 pm

      And their own space at the back of the bus.

      I was in high school fairly early in desegregation. The school was a mile from my home, and I walked rather than ride the bus. The reason was simple, if you rode the bus, your lunch, and cash, etc, was taken by poor misunderstood Thugvon types.

      Since I was college prep, and college prep was in one wing, while general ed was in another, that part was ok.

      Desegregation allowed blacks to pickup all the residential real estate dirt cheap. That was why we had desegregation, it represented a huge transfer of wealth to blacks, and that weath amounted to more than all the welfare they were receiving. It was, and still is, quite a racket.

        Milhouse in reply to JusticeDelivered. | July 9, 2020 at 12:20 am

        It was not a transfer of wealth, it was a destruction of wealth. The value of those houses plummeted, which is why blacks were able to buy them cheaply. Their (mostly white) former owners lost all that wealth, but the (mostly black) new owners did not gain it; it simply disappeared.

          JusticeDelivered in reply to Milhouse. | July 9, 2020 at 7:59 am

          Well cared for houses did not disappear, though the new owners did run them down due to neglect

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | July 9, 2020 at 4:21 pm

          Of course the houses didn’t disappear! What a stupid thing to suggest. Their value disappeared. When they were sold they were worth what the new owners paid for them, and not a penny more. Thus there was no wealth transfer. The new owners did not become richer at the expense of the old owners.

    if they demand their own restrooms, will trans women be allowed in?
    (inquiring minds…)

    AA on getting into medical school not enough.

      alaskabob in reply to pfg. | July 8, 2020 at 6:40 pm

      Alpha Omega Alpha selection is mainly by meritocracy. Don’t make the grades and do well in clerkships and you don’t make AOA. The clerkship part is the variable. While the first two years of classroom lectures have a fairly uniform grading, clerkships puts one into the clinical environment where personal performance requires interaction with medical staff and patients. That is crunch time. I can only imagine how excuses for poor performance will be transformed by Black Critical Thinking. It’s not 2+2=4 so much as life versus death where poor performance can have a lifetime of repercussions… for the patient.

        MissingVegas in reply to alaskabob. | July 9, 2020 at 11:04 am

        And speaking of performance, you want to be Medical Professional whose patients lives depend on you, yet demand:

        Addressing the Specific Mental Health Needs of Black Medical Students: Black medical students are expected to continue studying, taking exams, and attending clinicals within hours to days of witnessing the murder of black people and hearing rhetoric against their personhood. They are expected to endure this dialogue and also excel in their performance. Research has shown that these televised experiences lead to symptoms associated with traumatic disorders including anxiety, anger, fear, and worthlessness in Black viewers. Their non-Black peers have the luxury of having clerkship grades and Step scores as their top priority, while Black students are worried about just staying alive. To address this, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine should grant URM medical students 2 extra full mental health days per semester, no questions asked and without repercussion. They should require no make-up work for these mental health days, as they serve as reparations for the effect of racial injustice and microaggressions on mental health.

          nomadic100 in reply to MissingVegas. | July 9, 2020 at 5:43 pm

          The narcissism and entitlement of these black students is appalling. These students assert with, evidently, a straight face, that they are operating at a disadvantage relative to non-black students who have the luxury of placing their priorities on their studies and clerkships while they are focused on “just staying alive” and they demand all sorts of special treatment given their victimhood. If this attitude reflects the position of black medical students as a group, they should be prepared to have patients of all races avoid them as their physicians. Who wants to have as one’s physician a person with such psychopathology as reflected in these “demands”?

    JusticeDelivered in reply to MissingVegas. | July 8, 2020 at 4:21 pm

    The dean is dooming PU to ultimately fail.

Wrote yesterday Leftists have come full circle back to segregated.

filiusdextris | July 8, 2020 at 3:56 pm

The only racism I see is literally in their every demand.

    legacyrepublican in reply to filiusdextris. | July 8, 2020 at 5:21 pm

    “We cannot play ostrich. Democracy just cannot flourish amid fear. Liberty cannot bloom amid hate. Justice cannot take root amid rage.”

    — Thurgood Marshall, who argued before the Supreme Court against segregation in Brown v The Board of Education

      alaskabob in reply to legacyrepublican. | July 8, 2020 at 6:42 pm

      Marshall wanted centuries of affirmative action.

        legacyrepublican in reply to alaskabob. | July 8, 2020 at 8:15 pm

        Goldwater famously said we can’t legislate morality when it comes to civil rights.

        But, when someone shows the right moral compass, we ought to applaud it and support it instead of extinguishing it in the violent flames of self-righteous rioting.

        Marshall had a spotlight on the truth in the above quote.

        If we cannot call upon his good advice during these evil times to set us back on the right path to unification, we will soon be lost in a quagmire of unending vitriol without the hope of truth’s sunshine to set us all free.

          tom_swift in reply to legacyrepublican. | July 9, 2020 at 9:30 am

          T. Marshall approached his job at SCOTUS in a spirit of “Now it’s our turn.” He was quite explicit about this. And I would call it pure distilled racism.

          Whether he was “right” about anything is a separate question. The most blatant racist can be right about something now and again.

rangerrebew | July 8, 2020 at 4:03 pm

It seems quite obvious if you want black college kids to think you are completely stupid, just mention Dr. Martin Luther King and all his work and how he gave his life for Civil Rights. Dr. King is now persona non-grata to young blacks.

    NavyMustang in reply to rangerrebew. | July 8, 2020 at 5:14 pm

    In other words, they don’t want equality.

    They want power and revenge.

    Dr. MLK weeps.

      legacyrepublican in reply to NavyMustang. | July 8, 2020 at 8:37 pm

      But there is hope for MLK’s dream to come true.

      You have got to hear this story!

      You can hear more about it at

      JusticeDelivered in reply to NavyMustang. | July 9, 2020 at 8:34 am

      What they are doing is demanding a free pass to do what they want, and take what they want. Allowing this to go on has only served to encourage more bad behavior. They think that they can riot, loot maim and murder, and that we will fold. This is going to require us shedding a substantial amount of their blood. It has gone so far that lessor measures are unlikely to work.

Create a space . . . on campus solely for Black students to congregate.

It’s called apartheid and some people manage to make it sound like a good idea.

that’s a mighty tall monument univ. admin built to themselves!

Decades ago… when I was in high school, there was some kind of issue about setting up a smoking lounge for students. My mother, bless and keep her, had a simple question, where is the non-smoking lounge going to be?

Same for these students, same for the ridiculous street murals.

    NavyMustang in reply to amwick. | July 8, 2020 at 5:16 pm

    In my high school, it was called the “out back of the school where the teachers can’t see us”.

Real American | July 8, 2020 at 4:19 pm

a system in which black folks demand racial segregation and racial discrimination against others should be called Barack Crow.

JusticeDelivered | July 8, 2020 at 4:27 pm

I say, tell them to pound sand, let them riot and burn their own neighborhoods, put down any riot outside their own neighborhoods. One way or another, there will have to be a culling.

It is only a matter of time before Martin Luther King Jr and Thurgood Marshall are targeted by the Red Guard for cancellation.

Why not? Im sure a phd in black studies would be a sure fire ticket to a fine private sector job. At Burger King.

    txvet2 in reply to JimWoo. | July 8, 2020 at 7:13 pm

    Only in a black neighborhood. Can’t be having those white supremacists ordering the staff around.

Dantzig93101 | July 8, 2020 at 4:50 pm

“As members of the Pitt community, we are exhausted mentally, physically, as well as emotionally. Each day we find ourselves overcompensating to make up for the University’s failures at combating racism on campus, in the classroom, and amongst students.”

“Dear Students:

I’m sorry to hear about that. We’re all very sorry to hear about it. In fact, we’re all very damn sick of hearing about it. Either go to class or go someplace else.

I have directed the records office to provide you with your transcripts free of charge. It will be the last thing you get ‘free’ from this university.

Go in peace. But go.

Vernon D. Wormer
Dean of Students”

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Dantzig93101. | July 8, 2020 at 4:57 pm

    That’s a variation on a theme of what Dean T. F. Grizzly would write.

    NavyMustang in reply to Dantzig93101. | July 8, 2020 at 5:21 pm

    It must be horrible to live life seeing racism everywhere.

    They mistake white people’s avoidance of them for racism.

    But, think about it, who the hell wants anything to do with some sour puss with a chip the size of a telephone pole on their shoulder?

    I’ve had conversations with black people who described some of the “racist” things that has happened to them. To me, it sounded like other people just disagreeing with them. I’m sure there are racists, but really, folks, life just ain’t easy sometimes.

      drednicolson in reply to NavyMustang. | July 8, 2020 at 5:54 pm

      You just can’t win with these people, so the best course of action is refusing to play their game.

        alohahola in reply to drednicolson. | July 8, 2020 at 6:24 pm

        and/or just plain ignoring them.

        JusticeDelivered in reply to drednicolson. | July 9, 2020 at 12:01 am

        The best course of action is to start taking their existing affirmative and unjust perks away. Since they have no appreciation of what they have, lets show how life will be where they are on an equal footing.

      tom_swift in reply to NavyMustang. | July 8, 2020 at 7:04 pm

      It must be horrible to live life seeing racism everywhere.

      Indeed. It must be crippling to have a ready—even if imaginary—excuse for every failure. Getting crummy grades? Well, you either haul over to the library and study your ass off, like the oriental students . . . or agree with your black buddies that it must be racism. And that fixes everything. Hey, can’t fight Da Man, so might as well party instead. It would require extraordinary character strength to resist that.

Someone should demand that Pitt offer a program in Klan Studies

    JusticeDelivered in reply to NotKennedy. | July 9, 2020 at 12:03 am

    I always had a low opinion of the Klan, but now I am wondering if they were right.

      Nah, Klansmen are just stupid beings of similar IQ who gather together and boast of their esteem while denigrating people and faiths of people they know nothing about.

      OTOH, BLM seems to be far more violent, pathetic and destructive than the Klan.

      Thank goodness that both sides are a very small element of any population.

        ConradCA in reply to NotKennedy. | July 9, 2020 at 11:41 am

        The Klan felt themselves to be victims of the North and blacks. That’s how they justified the evil that they did. The ghetto gangsters are identical in every significant respect to the Klan.

          Yes, I think I read that and they were a very different group in the beginning.

          Some things just make no sense. I cannot understand why a Muslim would care one way or another about Jews, Baptists vs Catholics or whatever conflicts have been invented between people.

          Gotta be Satan to cause so much discord, hate and suffering.

Ya know I wish they would just go away … I’m tired of listening to them

drednicolson | July 8, 2020 at 5:57 pm

And the bitter irony of their demands re: separate facilities is completely lost on them.

This is so 2016.

So none of these people agree with Marcus Garvey that Africa is a Utopia and they can’t get back there quick enough?

    JusticeDelivered in reply to franker. | July 9, 2020 at 12:04 am

    At the time, there was broad discussion about making all former slaves return to Africa.

      tom_swift in reply to JusticeDelivered. | July 9, 2020 at 9:36 am

      Yes, and the indigenous inhabitants of those areas in Africa were none to enthusiastic about having a bunch of foreigners dumped on them.

Lookie! Lookie! Here are the fascist!

“Each day we find ourselves overcompensating to make up for the University’s failures at combating racism on campus, in the classroom, and amongst students.”

So leave. Attend an HBCU instead.
Problem solved.
That was easy.

I see a Pyrrhic victory coming. The leftists will gain control of the university, only to find that they have destroyed its value.

Diversity is a progressive… one step forward, two steps backward condition.

I have to admit that building in the photo is starting to grow on me. Pan around it in 3D view in Google Maps if you want to waste time in a cool way.

4200 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Hostages — Steve Martin

I feel good tonight. I finally got something I always wanted and that’s important. It really is.

I finally got some hostages.

Well, you see so many people with hostages nowadays and you say “Hey, I’d like some, too!” So I’ve got three of ’em, they’re really nice people. We get along great, they’re tied in a sack outside at the top of the flagpole. And I’m gonna blow ’em up at midnight, too.

Unless, of course, I get my three demands.
A hundred thousand in cash,
getaway car
and I want the letter M stricken from the English language.

See, you have to make one crazy demand, that way, if you get caught, you can plead insanity.

Ha…. Getaway car.

Finally, Constitutional Freedom of Assembly Is Recognized.

May Freedom Ring!

It would be funny if this was the straw that broke the back of the scourge of tenure, which is what the lefty profs hide behind when being radical.

Would it be wrong to assign these students a compare and contrast paper between their demands and the dixicrat presidential platform?

The lack of perspective on the part of these students is breathtaking. Racial discrimination, racially based curricula, racially segregated public spaces is going backwards not forward.

I suspect that they will not enjoy their trip to Jim crow era.

    Milwaukee in reply to CommoChief. | July 9, 2020 at 6:54 am

    Such an assignment would be cruel and unusual punishment. We don’t try to teach horses to whistle…they can’t whistle, frustrating for the teacher and an annoyance for the horse.

Since skin color runs in shades and not in discrete buckets, this makes no sense. Since it makes no sense, the agenda is something else – marxist destruction of the culture. The blacks making the noise are either marxists themselves or useful idiots naively destroying their own future. Maybe we should let them finish off these already badly damaged Universities. Just give them no money, let them burn the place down, and do not let them escape.

There must be some governing Board. Are they OK with this?

Given the similarity in these demands to those at Oberlin, and the over-the-top nature, I almost wonder if they aren’t being used to provoke a backlash much in the same way that the burnings and looting are designed to provoke an armed response. In so many ways, it resembles a 3yo punching a 4yo until the 4yo wraps him upside the head, whereupon the 3yo goes crying to mom. Is using 3 and 4yo giving them too much credit?

Moon Battery | July 9, 2020 at 6:19 am

If students feel they need spaces that are segregated by race, why not just attend a traditional black college?

I just hope this time is well documented, so 50 years from now there are no misplaced accusations concerning their self imposed segregation.

Tell them “Nuts!”

There are whole goddam continents just for people who are exhausted by the overwhelming luxury provided by the imaginary disaster they call “white supremacy.”

Don’t forget the separate drinking fountains.