The National Museum of African American History and Culture Removes Chart on “Whiteness”

Yesterday, I blogged about a “discussion” posted by The National Museum of African American History and Culture which explored “whiteness.”

It’s the most racist (in the literal sense of the word, not the diluted into nothingness use) thing I’ve read in a long time and I internet for a living.

Anyway, as a result of public backlash, the museum has removed a chart (which can be found at this link) which attributed things like rugged individualism, nuclear family, scientific method, and work ethic to “whiteness.”

The museum posted the following statement:

In that context, we recently unveiled “Talking About Race,” an online portal providing research, studies, and other academic materials from the fields of history, education, psychology, and human development. Our goal in doing so was to contribute to a discussion on this vitally important subject that millions of Americans are grappling with.  Since yesterday, certain content in the “Talking About Race” portal has been the subject of questions that we have taken seriously. We have listened to public sentiment and have removed a chart that does not contribute to the productive discussion we had intended.  The site’s intent and purpose are to foster and cultivate conversations that are respectful and constructive and provide increased understanding. As an educational institution, we value meaningful dialogue and believe that we are stronger when we can pause, listen, and reflect—even when it challenges us to reconsider our approach. We hope that this portal will be an ever-evolving place that will continue to grow, develop, and ensure that we listen to one another in a spirit of civility and common cause. 

Right, because it’s the chart that’s the problem.

The long tirade which states as fact, “whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal,” explains the white privilege theory and directs readers to learn more about how whiteness has established a system of oppression, is still up.

As I mentioned yesterday, the museum is part of the Smithsonian system, which receives at least 62% of its funding from federal sources. So we are literally paying for this.

Tags: race card