Pelosi on Destruction of Columbus Statue in Baltimore: ‘People Will Do What They Do’

A reporter asked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi about the destruction of the Christopher Columbus in Baltimore, MD, on July 4.

Apparently, Pelosi doesn’t care because she answered: “People will do what they do.”

Here’s the transcript:

Q: Madam Speaker, this question is close to home for you. The city of Richmond is obviously in sync with your desire to get rid of Confederate statues. But in Baltimore, in Little Italy, the statue of Christopher Columbus was removed, or taken down, and I wonder if you have anything to share with that.Pelosi: Well, I’m not — you know, I don’t even have my grandmother’s earrings. I’m not a big let’s-see-what-we-have-in-monuments, and this. I’m more interested in what people have accomplished. I think that it’s uptimes to the communities to decide what statues they want to see. But I think that it’s very important that we take down any of the statues of people who committed treason against the United States of America, as those statues exist in the halls of Congress, in the Rotunda — not the Rotunda, I don’t think, but in the Statuary Hall and the rest, some of them are. But I’m not one of those people who’s wedded to, oh, a statue, to somebody someplace is an important thing. I don’t — again, if the community doesn’t want the statue there, the statue shouldn’t be there. Doesn’t diminish my pride in my Italian-American heritage, and the fact that it was a country discovered by an Italian, named for an Italian, Amerigo Vespucci. So — I have that pride. But I don’t care that much about statues.Q: Shouldn’t that be done by a — respectfully, shouldn’t that be done by a commission, or the city council, not a mob in the middle of the night, throwing it into the harbor?Pelosi: People will do what they do. It’s a — I do think that from a safety standpoint it would be a good idea, to have it taken down if the community doesn’t want it. I don’t know that it has to be a commission, but it just could be a community view. And sometimes it’s something that’s been there, that view has been there for a while.

Joel Pollak at Breitbart noted that Pelosi is from Baltimore. Her father served as mayor. Pelosi’s father “oversaw the dedication of a statue honoring Confederate military leaders Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee in 1948.”

Tags: Christopher Columbus, Nancy Pelosi