NY Times Blames ‘Nice White Parents’ for Public Education ‘Failing Black and Brown Kids’

First, there was the 1619 Project. Now The New York Times has a limited series called “Nice White Parents” because they’re the people who get in the way of “building a better school system.”

Not just parents. The NYT had to single out white parents.

It’s not the powerful teacher unions. Not the power-hungry politicians. Not the Department of Education. Not the lack of school choice. It’s totally those white parents!

The NYT explained:

We know that American public schools do not guarantee each child an equal education — two decades of school reform initiatives have not changed that. But when we look at how our schools are failing, we usually focus on who they’re failing: Black and brown kids. We ask: Why aren’t they performing better? Why aren’t they achieving more?Those are not the right questions.If you want to understand what’s wrong with our public education system, you have to look at what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: White parents.

Can someone please explain to me why it is wrong to focus on who is not performing well? Aren’t those the question we should be asking ourselves? It puts the concentration on the kids who need help.

But no because the NYT wants to keep blaming white people and look woke for everyone. Instead of concentrating on the needs of the students, the publication wants to trash “nice white parents.” I’m honestly shocked the publication didn’t say, conservative nice white parents.

Isn’t this racist? This is a great point:

The actual problem with education is that too many people treat education as a one size fits all. As a former teacher, I can tell you that does not work. I mean, anyone can tell you that, but it really hit me after I experienced it.

The main problem is the Department of Education and its stupid testing. Next are the state education boards and the cities.

I noted in a previous piece that education is the most local issue in the country. Everything should be up to the school district and the communities within that district.

The teacher unions want to delay opening schools because of the coronavirus pandemic. I find it weird that they want to delay the opening until…the start of the flu season, which is just as contagious and deadly. But I guess that doesn’t matter. It’s all about opposing President Trump.

Again, why look to the feds? Every community is different when it comes to the coronavirus. Is it so hard for them to figure it out for themselves?

Plus, if you wait until everything is 100% safe, schools will cease to exist. I guess if a breakout happens they want to avoid blame because being an adult is so hard.

A teacher wrote at the Foundation for Economic Education “that much of their energy is spent advocating for various, non-educational political initiatives.” He listed the union’s commitments, noting that “many of these issues have only a tangential relation to education, if that.”

It also doesn’t help that unions hate reform. They hate school choice, even though competition leads to better products. They also oppose entrance exams for teachers, protect the bad ones, and don’t want “stringent teacher evaluations.” God forbid a teacher receives a salary based on his or her performance.

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: 1619 Project, Education, NY Times, Racism