Federalist Society Leader Disinvited From College Appearance
“policies and actions espoused by people and organizations can have a very harmful effect on members of our community”

Leonard Leo has been a driving force behind Trump’s selection of judges. You have to wonder if that had something to do with this.
The College Fix reports:
College disinvites Federalist Society leader behind judicial confirmations because of his ‘values’
It’s hard to get more establishment than Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society co-chair who has played a large role in the torrent of judicial confirmations in the Trump administration.
Yet a Maine liberal arts school withdrew an invitation to Leo to play a minor online role in its summer speaker series, saying he offended some people.
The Bangor Daily News reports that Leo was scheduled to introduce the president of the Heritage Foundation, Kay James, at the College of the Atlantic’s Champlain Institute, held online this year because of COVID-19.
Though the newspaper said it was “a group of alumni” who raised concerns about Leo’s politics, college spokesperson Rob Levin said “many community members” had “issues … with his values”:
Because Leo was only scheduled to introduce James, and was not scheduled to be a featured speaker himself, people tuning in to hear James speak would not have had the opportunity to challenge or discuss Leo’s advocacy for conservative federal judges, Levin said.
The college did not rescind invitations to James and its other establishment speaker this year, Hillary Clinton, even though they drew local opposition, because the point of the speaker series is to expose students to different views on controversial public policy subjects, Levin said:
“At the same time, we must value the moment of reckoning our society is going through, and our own work to build a more humanizing human ecology, and understand that we are not functioning in a world of abstract ideas — the policies and actions espoused by people and organizations can have a very harmful effect on members of our community,” he said.

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Lame statement–
“policies and actions espoused by people and organizations can have a very harmful effect on members of our community”
That which does not kill you makes you strong.
What is a college or university for if not the free exchange of ideas? I fear the answer is: these places are no longer what they were. It’s time for them to call themselves what some of us already call them: INDOCTRINATION CAMPS.
Time to Shut DEM Up.
“Because Leo was only scheduled to introduce James, and was not scheduled to be a featured speaker himself, people tuning in to hear James speak would not have had the opportunity to challenge or discuss Leo’s advocacy for conservative federal judges, Levin said.”
Which sounds eminently fair, since Leo would not have been doing any advocating of his own there, either.