Early Coronavirus Vaccine Test Data Yielding ‘Encouraging’ Results
Other good news that our press isn’t featuring is that ICU death rates are down and mosquitos can’t transmit the virus.

As the American press gins up more pandemic panic in its quest to impact the November election, perhaps it is an excellent time to step back and review some stories that haven’t received attention because they stray from the fear-based narrative.
To begin with, a potential coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University with pharmaceutical firm AstraZeneca yielded ‘encouraging’ results in the first large, early-stage human trial.
The researchers are calling their experimental vaccine ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222). It combines genetic material from the coronavirus with a modified adenovirus that is known to cause infections in chimpanzees. The phase one trial had more than 1,000 participants in people ages 18 to 55.
…The researchers said the vaccine produced antibodies and killer T-cells to combat the infection that lasted at least two months. Neutralizing antibodies, which scientists believe is important to gain protection against the virus, were detected in participants. The T-cell response did not increase with a second dose of the vaccine, they said, which is consistent with other vaccines of this kind.
“The immune system has two ways of finding and attacking pathogens — antibody and T cell responses,” Oxford professor Andrew Pollard said in a release. “This vaccine is intended to induce both, so it can attack the virus when it’s circulating in the body, as well as attacking infected cells. We hope this means the immune system will remember the virus, so that our vaccine will protect people for an extended period.”
The two-pronged approach is instrumental in protecting the coronavirus.
The antibodies prevent healthy cells from becoming infected, and the T-cells work to kill cells that have already become infected.
“Having both of these after vaccination — sometimes after a single dose, but much better after a second dose — is pretty encouraging,” says [study co-author Adrian] Hill, who directs the Jenner Institute at the University of Oxford.
A large follow-up study is set to begin in the United States in the next few weeks with 30,000 patients.
Additionally, a recent study suggests that for people admitted to intensive care units for severe COVID-19 infection, the rate of death has declined by about one-third since the start of the pandemic.
Shortly after the first few patients with the virus were identified in December, the number of positive cases exponentially increased — but now, so has our understanding of strategies to mitigate viral spread and therapies to treat patients.
“As we learn more about this virus and its effect on the critically ill, we become better at treating it and its complications,” said Dr. Eric Cioe Pena, director of global health at Northwell Health.
The study, which was conducted by researchers in the United Kingdom and published in the journal Anaesthesia, offers a hopeful message to front-line workers actively taking care of critically ill patients. The authors systematically reviewed and performed a meta-analysis on all studies that looked at ICU deaths for adult patients around the world admitted with COVID-19. The death rate for these patients in May was about 40%, down from nearly 60% at the end of March.
Finally, an important new finding as we enjoy the summer season is that a study by researchers at Kansas State University shows that mosquitoes are unable to spread the novel coronavirus.
Although the World Health Organization (WHO) disseminated this information to the public early on in the pandemic, the researchers spent time investigating three common mosquito species to provide conclusive data their notion.
“To date there has been no information nor evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus could be transmitted by mosquitoes,” WHO said on their COVID-19 “mythbusters” page.Piggybacking on this idea, the researchers said that “while the World Health Organization has definitively stated that mosquitoes cannot transmit the virus, our study is the first to provide conclusive data supporting the theory,” and added that they demonstrated that even under extreme conditions, SARS-CoV-2 virus is unable to replicate in these mosquitoes and therefore cannot be transmitted to people even in the unlikely event that a mosquito fed upon a viremic host.”
If we have learned anything during this pandemic, it is that there is good reason to validate the findings of WHO.

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Better act fast. Some studies are saying they cant secure enough participants because the cases are dropping so fast.
Remember some 40 years ago Fauci promised a vaccine for AIDS.
An African polio vaccine is probably how AIDs leaped from monkeys to humans. The vaccine was developed in monkeys which shows how dirty of a business it is. Well actually, vaccines are much more filthy than that implies, but sometimes they help.
Did you know that the creator of the polio vaccine tried the first version in part on his own grandchildren and that first vaccine killed two of his grandchildren?
When do we get a RealScience™ study checking on the effectiveness of mask-wearing in reducing exposure risk?
All I’ve seen has been based on assumptions and explanations of why it should be true, but nothing on whether it has been proven true.
I thought those were already in.
Multiple studies and results show wearing these cheap masks are no more effective than wearing your underwear on your face.
Boxers or briefs?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend wearing “cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.” But some health experts say shields appear to be very effective at preventing infection — maybe even more effective than masks — for someone going about regular daily activities and not in a high-risk health care setting.
A fraternal organization I belonged to signed me up for a free year of AARP a while back. I noped out of both groups as soon as I found out what they did.
Idiot in charge of the fraternal claimed the members were given an opportunity to opt out, but I never saw any notice about it until the AARP card turned up in my mailbox. Said idiot couldn’t imagine why anyone could object to AARP, had no idea they were a big-government lobby.
This is the same AARP that sold us Obama care.
OT but…man gateway pundit doing his normal stupid fake/misleading headline crap and of course people are going nuts.
first comment I did
I know some here love to link from his site. never trust his headlines. always read deep into whatever crap he posts.
course point out the fake headline and the actual emergency order text which is a LOT worse than headline and get downvotes…
sorry needed to vent and wanted to let those who link to him a lot to be very careful with his crap. he’s the supposedly conservative cnn of bloggers.
Thanks for pointing this out, I saw that headline and scratched my head. It made zero sense on its face(mask).
Sometimes I’ve commented about really, really, really dumb and irresponsible stuff over there and it’s futile. I don’t bother any more. I would guess everyone who reads that site would agree with me on most issues, but if you think about something beyond the superficial and it goes against the comment grain, the diehards (not all, but many) can be ridiculous.
I wish more people would think instead of emote. Our side is not immune to dumbness.
I read it a lot as he does do decent job linking to rarer stuff at state levels but NEVER trust his headlines. glad it helped you sorry to others for going OT here.
Broward is doing other stupid things in the name of fake virus case numbers: continuing their lockdowns and mandatory mask wearing and implementing restaurant curfews.
Fauci will need this studied and peer reviewed. Could take years.
As long as the vaccine isn’t mandatory. We’ve had more than enough of the nanny state BS.
Amen. I fear it will be like masks – stores requiring them ala “no shirt no shoes no service” becomes “no mask … no service”. Wondering if any vaccine will come with a certificate of inoculation that service providers / venues can demand of customers. While it many not be mandatory, they gov’t pushers will make your life miserable / impossible if you don’t.
There is absolutely ZERO wrong with a business requiring that you wear a mask (absent a precluding health condition). That’s not an infringement on your rights because it is not the government mandating it as such.
What exactly is wrong with no shirt, no shoes, no service, anyways? Right of refusal to serve should be allowed in a free society (just ask cakebakers)!
Wrong, no, offensive, yes.
Leslie: Have you read Andrew Codevilla’s latest? It’s long, but awesome. The COVID Coup
No thank you, never had a flu shot not starting a Covid-19 one
The previous vaccines this current variant is based on was more dangerous than the SARS-Cov-1 virus.
I’ll take a hard pass until **ALL** the research, trials, etc are publicaly released. Dr Fraudci can shove it.
Do we have anti-vaxxers in here? Geez.
That’s just name calling. Why don’t you just tell us to shut up?
This article doesn’t mention whether the antibodies are binding. If so, you will likely get an autoimmune disease from them. That has happened during the last 40 mRNA vaccines in a row. There has never been a successful mRNA vaccine. I guess you talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. If you had taken some of those vaccines, you wouldn’t be healthy enough to comment.
Do we have anti-anti-vaxxers in here? Geez.
Give it a break. Masks suck. They don’t do a thing for viral transmission. The only thing worse is nanny state do gooders telling us lies.
You know what had GREAT results early on?
Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Z=pak.
The trouble is, they refuse to prescribe at the outset, and do not include Zinc.
But the regimen is under a hundred bucks worth of medication, and it really works.
Oh, if you take HCQ and Zinc at preventative levels, you won’t likely contract the China Flu either.