Communists Organize Flag Burnings In Some Major Cities, Including Outside White House
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Communists Organize Flag Burnings In Some Major Cities, Including Outside White House

Communists Organize Flag Burnings In Some Major Cities, Including Outside White House

“One, two, three, four! Slavery, genocide, and war! Five, six, seven, eight! America was never great!”

On Independence Day, the Revolutionary Communist Party organized flag burnings in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City—and, of course, outside the White House.

The radical group chanted “One, two, three, four! Slavery, genocide, and war! Five, six, seven, eight! America was never great!” as the flag burned.

If you’re wondering about the bright orange shirts with “#OutNow” featured on the front, this is apparently the latest effort to remove President Trump and Vice President Pence from office.  I guess they are supposed to see the tees, hear the imbecilic chant, and immediately resign?

The communist group is committed, clearly, to turning America into a communist dystopia, and they are apparently quite content to divert attention from the George Floyd protests and riots with this stunt.

Townhall reports:

Members of the Revolutionary Communist Party organized flag burnings in cities across the United States to coincide with Independence Day to protest the country, the Trump administration, and to exercise their right to burn the American flag.

“Trump is attempting to overturn the decision in my Supreme Court case, Texas v Johnson (1989) that decided burning the flag in protest is constitutionally protected speech. Trump is fighting for a fascist clampdown of force patriotism – by criminalizing disrespect for the flag, he is forcing respect for the flag,” Gregory “Joey” Johnson said in a statement. “A year in jail for flag burning?! Forced patriotism = fascism. I’m going to defy Trump by burning that flag and you should do the same!”

Members of RevCom hosted the flag burning in Washington, D.C. right outside of Lafayette Park, which is across the street from the White House. RevCom also held American flag burnings in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City.

The communists’ leaders, of course, know that America is and always has been not just great but exceptional, but some in this young crowd are clearly convinced that America is awful and must be destroyed.   Evidence to the contrary is readily available, not that they dare hear a word against their delusions.


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Dumb kids have no idea that they are pushing for slavery.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Valerie. | July 5, 2020 at 7:28 pm

    #DefundThePolice – The Real Strategy Behind The Hashtag

    Defunding the police is a great signal to make revolution easier in America, but it is no guarantee of success. White teenagers who love hating their country of origin and shedding fake tears for the repression of some other ethnicity they have never let into their house are not going to hold the line after the impact of the first volley especially armed with cutesy poo improvised weapons. If certain people want a civil war, maybe they will get it if some politicians are willing to defund, but they certainly are not going to win it.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | July 5, 2020 at 7:57 pm


      Frederick Douglass statue removed at Rochester park

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | July 5, 2020 at 10:16 pm

        Demonstrators Who Had Occupied Area Near Atlanta Wendy’s Apparently Shoot Little Black Girl

        VIDEO: Protesters In DC Are Pretty Much What You Thought – All White Kids…

        Weazil Zippers

        Anybody still puzzled by all the destructive inconsistency (to put it mildly)? by all the chaos and nihilistic mayhem (to label it more to the point)? by the seemingly indiscriminate, concerted effort to wipe out our civilization (to maybe nail it best)?

      “White teenagers who love hating their country of origin and shedding fake tears for the repression of some other ethnicity they have never let into their house are not going to hold the line after the impact of the first volley especially armed with cutesy poo improvised weapons.”

      I wonder if this is true. Jews allowed themselves to be rounded up for extermination by NAZIs. The Khmer Rouge collected up millions who marched like sheep to the death camps. Stalin and Mao killed tens of millions each who were suspect to their respective regimes and who simply suffered their fate in servile complacency.

      The NAZI and Khmer Rouge regimes were toppled by outside powers. The Chinese regime still stands and even now forces millions into re-education camps. Only the Soviet Union collapsed of its own disfunction, but really not directly from rebellion due to its overbearing repression.

      During the American Civil War, even with most of the able bodied men away at war, or having been killed or grievously wounded, in the main, the slaves of the South did not rebel to take there freedom, but was rather offered to them by the destruction of the South by the freemen of the North.

      Freedom is not the natural state of mankind. It is a rare moment in time where men are free. I pray our time is not passing.

        It is true that freedom, as we understand it, is not the natural circumstance of humanity. But your exemplars of populations who went to the camps with, at most, a whimper were people who had no arms with which to actively oppose the government. When they had even the minuscule arsenal of the Warsaw Uprising, they did not sell their lives cheaply. One of your monsters (Stalin) held the Red Army back from Warsaw and let the Nazis eliminate those who would have been a thorn in his side when he controlled Poland as a Communist state.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Valerie. | July 5, 2020 at 7:50 pm

    They need to be wrapped in the flag first.

    It doesn’t matter.
    They’re trying to help enslave us.

    We’re at war – take it seriously, or else.

    pfg in reply to Valerie. | July 5, 2020 at 7:57 pm

    Not on our watch will these, and the 000s of other from other US wars, have died vain. We will not be made subjects of collectivism on our own land,

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Valerie. | July 6, 2020 at 8:38 am

    How about having paperwork on hand for them to renounce their citizenship? Have notary & witnesses, video recording.

OT: Black motorist kills white BLM brownshirt blocking an interstate highway.

Initial media reports I saw claimed the motorist was white and deliberately ran down a black protestor in a racist attack (a sinister act no doubt personally ordered by Trump). Journalists had tears of joy over the prospect of another Horst Wessel-type martyr – until the truth came out. Now both the deceased Darwin Award nominee and the driver will have to be airbrushed out of history to protect the Narrative.

    Charlottesville 2.0.

    Charlottesville 2.0, except that the guy wasn’t attempting to escape an abortion-zone setup by Antifa. This time it was some, select, Black Lives Matters bigots, and they did not attempt to entrap him for leverage as a JournoListic spectacle. Either way, not a politically congruent (“=”) incident that the diversitists would want to exploit. #BabyLivesMatter

      GatorGuy in reply to n.n. | July 6, 2020 at 11:41 am

      Another sign that 1984 is indeed upon us: Totalistic diversitism.

      I think this newspeak article’s got legs.

    The death toll will keep growing, and we’ll soon yearn for the days when only a handful of people died here and there.

    We’re at war, folks: we have cross-hairs on us, and from our own citizens and government.

rabid wombat | July 5, 2020 at 6:31 pm

Commies going to commie…

All you little poets, why don’t you head off to Venezuela, Mexico, Honduras, or even Cuba, and then get back to us about the awfulness of AMERICA.

    legacyrepublican in reply to herm2416. | July 5, 2020 at 7:59 pm

    They could always start a hunger strike. Look at the millions who died from hunger under Stalin in order to make communism work.

    “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” Matt. 24:22

    buck61 in reply to herm2416. | July 5, 2020 at 9:38 pm

    I spent a week in Managua with a local family, it was an eye opening experience

    GatorGuy in reply to herm2416. | July 6, 2020 at 11:47 am

    Yeah, yih little red diaper doper babies, do a public, fire-breathing circle-jerk with one of THEIR flags and see how long your onanistic thrill lasts.

I count 7

If you don’t like America, LEAVE.

And we’ll pay for your one way tickets.

Dantzig93101 | July 5, 2020 at 7:29 pm

There need to be consequences for all of the flag desecration.

The consequences should be sufficiently grave to prevent and to deter further attacks on America and its national symbols.

So, when will they burn the Transgender Rainbow flag, which features the exclusion of black lives, brown lives, and takes prideful, gay satisfaction in the shredded remains of white lives? Or the politically congruent (“=”) or selective exclusion flag? Lose your Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic religion. That said, let us bray.

They wouldn’t believe you if you told them Communism has enslaved and murdered hundreds of millions of people.

I would be more than happy to show them around Managua or Caracas for a reality check

They are dumb Maybe offer helicopter rides by Pinochet?

he has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it’s most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. this piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, & murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.

he has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, & conditions of existence:
Jefferson’s “original Rough draught” of the Declaration of Independence

A revolutionary war, a civil war, wars conducted against left-wing regimes (e.g. communists, socialists, fascists, imperialists), and a steadfast stand against diversity (i.e. color judgments) and other classes of bigotry. Leading the world in scientific, technological, and medical innovation. Make America Great Again.

There should be a way to pursue these incidents as fire hazards (which they are). Imagine the fury in the press as it tries to blame PDJT for the NFPA Fire Code. “Fascism! Trump is trying to prevent fires!”

You have the right to burn a flag in America. But as a good citizen, you have the responsibility to be respectful and when you fail that, your right becomes an expression of ignorance.

    GatorGuy in reply to WillS68. | July 6, 2020 at 12:00 pm

    Rather, maybe, an expression of pathetic inarticulateness, unbecoming of a free, brave, genuine American.

    Debate, argue, persuade. Show some worthy ability, some class and real leadership, like the Founders — in what they signed onto, sacrificing everything if they had to — but most notably, Jefferson.

    Now THAT’s being an American!

    (If you’re not capable or big enough to act that way, feel free to crawl back into your hole or cave. Or just leave.)

Sadly, we are seeing the worst of the worst from democrats, media, black lives matter, and anti-America thugs.

Even worse the people most hurt in the cities with riots and burnings are the few Americans left in the democratic run cities. I cannot understand how they can continue to elect and re-elect the scum who are responsible for their deaths.

You can see the future watching the riots and burning led by democrats who propose no Police. At what point will the people take action?

It is time now. Support those working to protect the people and those in need, NOT the idiots who demand anything and everything for free but never contribute any effort to do the right thing.

Remember this, Americans with guns are free citizens, those without guns are slaves, which are you?

If you’re interested in the mind-set of these innocent little darling-believers, here is a highly informative, well-written, satisfying read:

BLM = black communists who hate Americans, and want to beat and kill them

antifa = white communists who hate Americans, and want to beat and kill them

I beg of you, my fellow Americans, whatever differences of opinion or belief we might have with each other, I AM BEGGING YOU:

get armed

get trained and

get organized

It is suicide to be a good and decent American in our own country. Trying to pretend otherwise, that our enemies don’t hate us and wish to silence us, attack us, even murder us, is the equivalent of writing a suicide note.

What I can’t understand is, if these people hate America so much, why do they live here? There are plenty of Turd World countries in which to emigrate. Why do they want to turn America into one so badly?