California Faculty Association Demands Free Tuition for All Black, Native, and Indigenous Students

With all the money lost due to the Coronavirus crisis, it’s hard to see how any school could afford such a thing.

Campus Reform reports:

California faculty demands ‘free tuition for all black, native, and indigenous students’The California Faculty Association released a statement in light of George Floyd’s death and recent protests. The group also created a list of demands for California State University that it says will provide “redress for systemic anti-Black racism in the CSU.”The CFA demanded CSU “provide free tuition for all Black, Native, and Indigenous students.” Trends show that enrollment of these students has been decreasing within the CSU system. To increase admission of these “marginalized students,” the CFA proposes that the universities make efforts “to overturn Proposition 209, the ban on affirmative action.”According to the CFA, “racial pay equity” is necessary because “workload is also higher for Black faculty given that CSU faculty are majority-white, and CSU students are majority of color resulting in ‘cultural taxation.’”The CFA claimed that the research and studies conducted by Black faculty are “often not valued at the same level as other faculty.”To “condemn white supremacy,” the CFA proposed that hiring and retention practices be reformed to mandate that “there be Black faculty available to serve as reviewers for Black faculty candidates.” The introduction of “targeted hiring programs” is necessary “to promote and develop the scholarship and creative activity of Black faculty,” the CFA insisted.

Tags: California, College Insurrection