VIDEO: Liberal Minneapolis Mayor Kicked Out of Protest and Taunted When Refuses to Defund Police

The thing about revolutionary mobs is that eventually they consume their own.

Liberal Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who made headlines yesterday by ostentatiously crying at the casket of George Floyd, found that out today.

Frey, who just signed an order prohibiting police use of chokeholds, attended a rally by a group calling for defunding the police department. Frey gave a speech to the group supporting the general goals of the Black Lives Matter movement and protests over the death of Floyd.

But then the organizers put him on the spot and demanded a Yes or No answer on full defunding. Frey tried to evade the question, but finally said he was not in favor of eliminating the police.

So he got kicked out of the rally and was forced to do a ‘walk of shame’ by the protesters (the Question comes at 0.55)

Here’s the ‘walk of shame’ from another angle.

And a local news report where the Mayor explained his position.

Tags: George Floyd, Minnesota