U. Chicago Prof Who Criticized ‘Defund the Police’ Cleared of Wrongdoing

Naturally, some people on the left are outraged about this.The College Fix reports:

Woke scolds outraged as UChicago professor cleared of wrongdoing for criticizing ‘defund the police’The University of Chicago has confirmed that criticizing the mantra “defund the police” does not violate its policy on harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct.Ten days after it removed a professor from editing a prestigious economics journal because of his new and old tweets – which were well within the mainstream of American political views even before the Trump administration – the private university concluded that Harald Uhlig (above) did not engage in “discriminatory conduct on the basis of race in a University classroom.”The announcement was posted Monday afternoon on the blog of the economics department, which Uhlig formerly chaired:

The review concluded that at this time there is not a basis for a further investigation or disciplinary proceeding. … In light of this outcome, the Journal of Political Economy has returned the faculty member to his role as journal editor.

Tags: College Insurrection, Free Speech