U. Chicago Law Prof Calls For Military Coup Against Trump, Backtracks When Called Out

Professor Brian Leiter maintains a blog called ‘Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog.’ In a recent post, he has now updated, he called for military leaders to depose and jail Trump.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald called it out on Twitter:

Here is the text, from the internet archive:

Now he needs to encourage his military colleagues who share his respect for American democracy and the rule of law to do what he should have done while in office: Trump should be deposed and jailed, and VP Pence should conclude his term and stand for election, if he chooses, this fall. Let the nightmare end.

The post now has this at the bottom:

ADDENDUM (June 6): I’ve removed my little joke about a military coup in favor of VP Pence. I have, it appears, more faith in the U.S. military, and its commitment to the rule of law, than most readers.

Tags: College Insurrection, Trump Derangement Syndrome