Trump Says There Will Be No Lockdown if “Second Wave” of Coronavirus Hits
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Trump Says There Will Be No Lockdown if “Second Wave” of Coronavirus Hits

Trump Says There Will Be No Lockdown if “Second Wave” of Coronavirus Hits

Trump also announces the date and location of his next rally, which brings out the race-hustlers and COVID-crazies.

I would like to take a moment to thank the Black Live Matters movement.

The recent spate of social justice violence and demonstrations, which featured an apparent lack of social distancing, masks, or personal hygiene considerations, received the blessing of public health officials.

As a result, Americans are going forward with their lives with less worry about following significant personal restrictions at a rate substantially swifter than what might have occurred without the protests.

The genie has escaped from the bottle, and press-hungry bureaucrats, anti-Trump politicos, and progressive activists know it. Therefore, the complicit American media is peddling fears of a second wave and the fading presence of the Coronavirus Task Force.

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the White House task force that President Donald Trump assembled to manage the health crisis met every day. But in recent weeks, as the virus continues to spread and health experts warn of a potential surge in cases across the country this summer, the group has met formally just three times.

And in a new sign that the task force’s work may be nearing an end, its members have begun drafting a final after-action report highlighting the president’s response that’s expected to be completed in the coming weeks, according to two senior administration officials.

At the same time, the White House’s effort to reshape the task force to more closely align with Trump’s optimism about possible vaccines and treatments for the virus has been rocky.

In the wake of these developments, President Donald Trump is moving to assure people that there will not be a second lockdown even if there is a new spike in cases.

“People say that’s a very distinct possibility, it’s standard,” Trump said when asked about a second wave during a tour of a Ford factory in Michigan.

“We are going to put out the fires. We’re not going to close the country,” Trump said. “We can put out the fires. Whether it is an ember or a flame, we are going to put it out. But we are not closing our country.”

Trump has previously said there may be “embers” of the pandemic that persist in the U.S. past the summer, but he maintains that they will be stamped out.

Furthermore, Trump now has set the date of his first in-person rally: June 19th.

Trump announced on Wednesday that his reelection campaign would be holding a rally in Tulsa, Okla., on June 19 and would also be holding rallies in Florida, Texas and Arizona — as well as an event in North Carolina “at an appropriate time.”

The president made the announcement at a roundtable with African American leaders at the White House, hailing the “great job” that Oklahoma has done combating coronavirus.

With this announcement, Trump has managed to bait both the race-hustlers and the COVID-crazies.

It is interesting to note that countries in both Europe and Asia have been reopened for many weeks. The data on coronavirus cases, hospitalizations, and deaths indicate none of these nations is experiencing a second wave.

Europe and Asia have so far avoided a significant resurgence of Covid-19 cases even though most countries have emerged from lockdown and restarted chunks of their economies, a possible sign the coronavirus pandemic can be held in check by less stringent means.

The preliminary evidence offers some hope to areas of the U.S. like New York City that are emerging from the lockdown, even as disease experts caution that the virus is far from defeated and the risk of a major new wave of infection remains. That caveat means some degree of social distancing and other markers of post-Covid society will need to stay in place while researchers hunt for a vaccine.

The average daily rate of new infections in Europe at the beginning of June was down 80% on its April 9 peak, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Croatia, Cyprus and Hungary reported no new cases at all Sunday. New daily cases in Germany, France, Spain and Italy have fallen to the low hundreds, from thousands a day when the pandemic was at its fiercest.

We are about 30-days behind Europe in terms of the infection cycle. It appears as if we may be able to salvage some of the summer!


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“Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure”

    clerk in reply to dystopia. | June 11, 2020 at 11:08 am

    The finest contribution any one can make to freedom is to vote for Trump on November 3rd.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to clerk. | June 11, 2020 at 12:26 pm

      Did you catch the BIG DEM LIES AND FAKE NEWS?

      Tulsa Race Riot took place on May 31 and June 1 of 1921.

      What I already knew.

      It is the DEMS with their current riots who are celebrating EVIL.

        These chuckleheads are trying to say that holding the rally in Tulsa on 19 June is a DOUBLE WHAMMY.

        Tulsa is the site of the race riot and 19 June (Juneteenth) is the day blacks celebrate the end of slavery. Texas freed their slaves on that date in 1865. The last state to do so.

        I only know this cause it was a big deal in DC with the black community when I lived in Maryland.

        So, the race hustlers consider this double whammy to be a bigger insult to the black community.

          notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to NavyMustang. | June 11, 2020 at 2:43 pm

          So the DC race hustlers created Juneteenth….. Thanks.

          NavyMustang in reply to NavyMustang. | June 11, 2020 at 4:51 pm

          I’m not saying the DC crowd started Juneteenth. It started in Texas as far as I know and then spread around the country. It’s just big in DC because of the large black community in the city and surroundings.

          Morning Sunshine in reply to NavyMustang. | June 11, 2020 at 5:07 pm

          I am actually good with celebrating Junteenth. What a marvelous holiday for our country – we can change and correct mistakes and move forward.

          I am almost afraid of doing so, however… will I be accused of cultural appropriation?

    Liberty Bell in reply to dystopia. | June 11, 2020 at 11:13 am

    Having ingloriously failed in their earlier attempts to depose our duly elected President; the Communist/Democrats brought out the armed wing too soon. The American ISIS Chapte (Antifa) is not yet skilled enough in the art of warfare.

    Now all of America can see who they are.

      The Trump campaign couldn’t buy better imagery for his reelection than the riots, their democrat supporters, and the antifa occupation of Seattle.

    objection in reply to dystopia. | June 11, 2020 at 11:15 am

    Time to turn off and tune out CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN. Not a boycott. But their propaganda is banally predictable. You can get the gist of it with a quick perusal of their websites. No need to listen to a modern day equivalent of Tokyo Rose that does not play music.

Isn’t junteenth a Texas thing? So being in Tulsa in that day is a dog whistle? Ok. Sure.

    UnCivilServant in reply to krink26. | June 11, 2020 at 11:43 am

    I don’t know what kind of thing it’s supposed to be, never heard of it.

    krink26 in reply to krink26. | June 11, 2020 at 11:52 am

    Almost a year after the Civil War the slaves in Texas were not aware that they had been emancipated. People from the north arrived to let them know. This happened in the middle of June – no exact date is known. Junteenth is the celebration of that event.

    I miss my beloved Texas.

      Colonel Travis in reply to krink26. | June 11, 2020 at 12:09 pm

      This isn’t true. The Juneteenth announcement was 2.5 years after the Emancipation. People in Texas was aware of it long before 1865, including slaves. I don’t know how or why this myth got started that no one knew until some guy showed up in Galveston. It took a month before the end of the Civil War reached Texas, there was a battle fought in May near the Rio Grande. So if that news only took a month, how was the end of slavery not able to make it for 2.5 years? It doesn’t make sense on its face. News of the EP was all over Texas long before June 1865.

      The Juneteenth announcement was to say: the Union won the war, the EP will now be enforced in Texas.

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Colonel Travis. | June 11, 2020 at 12:18 pm

        FAKE NEWS has a long history.

        The Emancipation Proclamation had no legal standing in the Confederacy until after the war was over. Lee surrendered at Appomattox in April 1865, but there were still some mopping-up operations afterwards.

          tom_swift in reply to Toad-O. | June 11, 2020 at 8:21 pm

          General Lee surrendered only his Army of North Virginia to Gen. Grant. That pretty much ended the War in the East, but the war continued elsewhere. It wasn’t until several days later that Joe Johnston surrendered the Confederate military forces everywhere to Tecumseh Sherman. Just before the negotiations Sherman received news of Lincoln’s death, livening things up a bit.

    Colonel Travis in reply to krink26. | June 11, 2020 at 12:03 pm

    Yeah it originated in Texas and has been a state holiday for a few decades. I have no idea why it’s bad for Trump to start a rally that day. But I’m not a leftist twit who sees race, race, race every second of my life.

    Neo in reply to krink26. | June 11, 2020 at 12:18 pm

    At least after this year, the folks in Tulsa will be able to remember June 10th as something a bit better than before.

I thought it was January 21, 2021, and Trump was being inaugurated for the 2d time:

“I would like to thank the BLM for alienating law-abiding Americans of all demographics and making this wonderful event possible…”

A special shout out to BBLM (Black Babies Lives Matter)

    UserP in reply to Neo. | June 11, 2020 at 12:26 pm

    “Planned Parenthood kills more unarmed black lives in one day than police are accused of killing in one entire year.” Quote from Ryan Bomberger.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to UserP. | June 11, 2020 at 12:58 pm

      We need to push all the discussion to that.

      “Oh but you are down with Democrats murdering millions of Black babies each year…..”

Will there be a lockdown for the second wave? Of course not, that would be insanity. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

    CorkyAgain in reply to UserP. | June 11, 2020 at 1:09 pm

    To which I always respond, “Some people call that ‘practice’.”

    But practicing until you get it right usually means correcting the mistakes you made in your previous attempts. So it isn’t doing the exact same things. It’s making whatever minor adjustments seem necessary.

    This is how the Left sees it too. How many times have we heard them say true communism (or socialism) has never been tried, so we shouldn’t blame the theory for the failures?

      CorkyAgain in reply to CorkyAgain. | June 11, 2020 at 1:15 pm

      E.g., I’ve never hit a home run, and I suppose it’s insane to keep trying, but if I practice my swing maybe someday I will.

      Never underestimate the Left’s determination to keep swinging.

    Fauci the Clown is craving for another 15 minutes.

Any attempt to impose shut down America 2.0 will be met with armed resistance. They left would regret trying.

So Trump is going to ignore the advice of the UN Infector General Tedros and his consigliere Tony Fauci?

This and the permanent riot program will be used to foist “steal by mail” voting on us.

If we don’t see thousands of sick and dying protesters in the next few weeks, it will prove that the lockdown was ill-advised and pointless.

I suspect that the death total from Wuhan Flu would have been no worse than a regular flu season if not for the warehousing of covid patients in nursing homes and padding the statistics with people who died from other causes.

governors are going to be the issue. mills just extended maines emergency declaration to mid july.

But faucicide has worked out so well! It has destroyed my state’s economy and caused riots through out America.

I avoid the press, as it’s just fiction. But I do see some in unavoidable places (such as the splash page of my e-mail accounts), and am impressed by how persistently, energentically and monomaniacly the Fourth Estate is pushing the idea that we’re in The Second Wave already.

Why doesn’t Trump rein in Fauci?

Um, yeah. If you can hear the dog whistle, doesn’t that make you the dog?

smalltownoklahoman | June 12, 2020 at 5:19 am

Should have posted this sooner but oh well.

Tulsa area news sites in case you all want to follow what’s going on here with the locals on the night of the rally.

ABC affiliate:
CBS affiliate:
NBC affiliate:
Fox affiliate:
Local Talk Radio Station: I won’t be surprised if they carry his speech live and they have a listen live feature on their website, might be one to turn to on the night he’s here.

There was never a first wave.