Student Govt. at Ohio State Asks School to Cut Ties With Columbus Police Department

This is going to become a trend now. Campus activists are exploiting the riots. reports:

Ohio State student governments ask for university to cut ties to Columbus Police DepartmentThe presidents of Ohio State University’s student government groups asked in a joint letter for university leaders to cut ties with the Columbus Police Department, stating police took “violent and inexcusable actions” against protesters.The police killing of George Floyd, where a Minneapolis officer pressed his knee against the handcuffed man’s neck, sparked a series of protests nationwide. Sunday marked the fourth day of protests in Columbus.In a letter addressed to President Michael Drake, Senior Vice President Jay Kasey, Vice President Dr. Melissa Shivers, Chief Kimberley Spears-McNatt, and Director of Public Safety Monica Moll, the student groups said officers’ response to the protest was unjustly forceful and militaristic.“As our university leaders, your priorities, commitments, and duties are to the safety of your students and the footprint our university leaves on the City of Columbus,” the letter reads. “We can no longer accept bias trainings, reactionary meetings, or community dialogue. Community dialogue does not work when you kill the community. Our city is burning, our students are hurting, the safety and wellbeing of the Black community is at inherent risk and there is no other time to act than now.”Officials will be “in dialogue” with student leaders about their concerns, according to a university statement on Monday.”As President Drake wrote on Saturday, George Floyd suffered a horrendous and completely unnecessary death. His killing, and those that have come before, demand that we create a different future. We know our students are hurting, we are here to support them, and we are inspired by their commitment to this cause.

Tags: College Insurrection, Ohio