Protesters Occupy U. Chicago Police Headquarters Demanding Department be Abolished

These students are in Chicago and they don’t think they’ll ever need police? Best of luck.CBS News in Chicago reports:

Protesters Occupy University Of Chicago Police Headquarters Demanding Department Be AbolishedProtesters have locked themselves inside the campus police headquarters at the University of Chicago, and now they say officers won’t let anyone bring them food.They have been holding a sit-in since Friday afternoon.Other students gathered outside overnight to support the activists.They want the school to abolish the university’s police department.In a statement the university said it supports free speech but does not want protests to disrupt the university operations.The university released the following statement about the protest:

“At approximately 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 13, UCPD Chief Kenton Rainey spoke with protestors inside the 6054 S. Drexel Avenue building and reiterated that he has set aside time on Monday at 8:00 am to meet with organizers. Protestors’ continued presence inside the building is creating a safety hazard due to the COVID pandemic and the University has asked repeatedly that protestors leave the building. At all times, protestors have been, and continue to be, free to leave. If desired, they are free to protest safely outside of the building.

Tags: Chicago, College Insurrection