Pioneer Statues Toppled During Protests at University of Oregon
“While we support peaceful protest and vigorous expression of ideas, we do not condone acts of vandalism”

These statues have been a target of the left for quite a while. Now protesters had an excuse to topple them.
Oregon Live reports:
Pioneer statues toppled amid protests at University of Oregon
Protesters on Saturday toppled two long-standing pioneer statues on the University of Oregon.
The statues have a history tied to the celebration of white conquest, and some students had renewed calls for their removal against a backdrop of international protests against racism and police brutality.
The Register-Guard reports a small group of protesters knocked the statues off their pedestals. One was dragged to the steps of Johnson Hall, the university administration building.
In a statement, the university said the statue’s future should be determined “through an inclusive and deliberative process, not a unilateral act of destruction.”
“These are obviously turbulent times. While we support peaceful protest and vigorous expression of ideas, we do not condone acts of vandalism,” the school said. “Our country, state and campus are coming to terms with historic and pervasive racism that we must address, but it is unfortunate that someone chose to deface and tear down these statues.”
The university also said a campus committee had been asked to look into whether the statues and other monuments should be removed, adding the statues will be placed in storage during the process.

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Now, if these overactivists would get rid of that Charging Bull on Wall Street, then we could accuse them of doing something worthwhile.
are coming to terms with historic and pervasive racism that we must address
No you’re not. You’re surrendering what little values you retain to a mob. In the hopes they won’t put you up against the wall.
U of O administration, “You can commit acts of violence/vandalism and still retain the facade of ‘peaceful’ protest, but God help anyone who tries to stop you.”
Our tax dollars hard at work. /sarc.
These vandals are our own American version of ISIS. They are trying to root out all traces of art, history, and religion that aren’t compatible with their narrow-minded religion of left-wing conformity.
The most distressing part is that the people who should be confronting this vandalism are either ignoring it or encouraging it. Governors, mayors, and university administrators are complicit in this purge of our nation’s history. They are more interested in securing their popularity with the Mob than they are in defending what they are sworn to protect. Eventually the Mob will turn on them.
I’m really growing weary of these petulant children. I’m a 6th generation Oregonian. My ancestors were pioneers who came via the Oregon Trail. My Second Great Grandfather came to Sacramento in 1849. He was something of a disreputable character, his name appearing in the newspaper dozens of times. He listed his occupation in the first city directory as “capitalist”. My 10th Great Grandfather was Governor William Bradford. Do you see where I’m going with this? My ancestors date back in this country to the Mayflower on one side and New Amsterdam on the other. According to the left, I am the product of the most evil people to ever walk the earth. And all this time, I thought they were courageous, adventurous and risk takers. Instead of settling for a lesser life, they put their lives on the line for something better.